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  1. D

    Community fodder box...

    Good call. The fodder box should not be an effing trash can.
  2. D

    Community fodder box...

    I would be down to participate again. We would need a new box to get this started, as the last one seemingly disappeared. I am not sure of the best protocol for establishing a new and improved box. Doesn't seem fair to have someone with mountains of fodder to be tasked with filling the box...
  3. D

    Need an Hk-50 Right Arm for a Custom

    The subject says it all! Does anyone have one of these in their parts bin? Not interested in purchasing an entire figure to cannibalize its right arm. Gladly pay for the part plus shipping. Thanks.
  4. D

    Painting new eyes on a figure. Any tips?

    I have a head I am repainting in it's entirety, and I am close to working on the eyes. Anyone have any ideas to paint eyes that look respectable? It seems that people either crush eyes when they are painted and they look amazing or (no offense) it looks like a child might have done it. I have...
  5. D

    CUSTOMS BY DARTH CAIN: UPDATE NOV 6, 2020 - Task Force 72 PG 3

    I have not updated my custom page in over 5 years. In that time I have done numerous custom projects and realized over the summer that I have not posted anything in a really long time. I want to make more of a conscious effort to post my stuff and get feedback. So, over the coming weeks I hope...
  6. D

    Making/printing off stickers of displays, screens and the like

    I have a project that I have been working on for quite some time and I need a little help. I have a computer station that I made from styrene and some display screens I also made. I am wondering how some of you print of the cool, little decals to use with your customs. Sometimes they are...
  7. D

    Darth Cain's Custom Creations: November 13th UPDATE

    Greetings everyone. Long time viewer, first time poster here at Yakface. Thought I would introduce my customs to a new audience and see if I get any reply's, one way or the other. I would appreciate any comments or criticism. Thanks for looking and I appreciate the fantastic work of so many of...