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  1. L

    6" Dioramas by Luke Sprywalker

    Hello old friends! Trying to make more time to post the projects I have completed recently. I have been cherry picking figures from the 6 inch line with the idea to make small dioramas for them. Some I will keep and some I will sell so if anyone is interested just send me a message. First up is...
  2. L

    1:12 Scale Environments

    So, I have caved on the 6 inch line I said I would not buy and am cherry picking the line for figures I want to make displays for. I started with a Cantina booth shadow box as I was repainting figures and ran into a few snags. It is really heavy! I have rebuilt it in styrofoam and learned a...
  3. L

    The Raven Bar

    "I need a piece your father collected" "We are not tirsty"
  4. L

    X-Wing Rogue Squadron Rebel Base

    ssshhheeewwww! I am done with my dio for the contest at GTG... My diorama is modular and collapsable. It can be used for Star wars or GI Joes all you need to do is swap out the proper background filler, vehicles and figures. It is for my son and I to play with and reenact scenes or make up our...
  5. L

    New Vehicle Needs a Name

    A few months ago I started out with a Star Trek shuttle and wanted to turn it into a vehicle from the Star Wars verse. I got it from a yard sale about 5-6 years ago and it has been in the attic as I had never thought up a good design/use for it. Also in my box was some tank treads and an old 4"...