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    Yak's Top Ten 2024: The Black Series: The Sequel Trilogy (The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and The Rise of Skywalker)

    Ohhhhh, a deluxe set of Grummgar and Bazine on the couch is a fantastic idea!
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    Yak's Top Ten 2024: The Black Series: The Sequel Trilogy (The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and The Rise of Skywalker)

    1. General Armitage Hux (TROS) (injured version, with cane and swappable hand to hold it) (maybe as a special two-pack with Pryde?) 2. Allegiant General Pryde (TROS) (swappable hands capable of holding his swagger stick, plus trooper blaster) 3. Ben Solo (TROS) 4. Ap'lek (TROS) 5. Trudgen (TROS)...
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    Yak's Top Ten 2024: The Vintage Collection: The Special Edition: The Return to Tatooine

    1. Brea Tonnika 2. Senni Tonnika 3. Oola 4. Ackmena 5. Twi'lek Majordomo (TBOBF, seriously, how does this guy not have a name?) 6. Garsa Fwip 7. shirtless male host Twi'lek working for Garsa Fwip (maybe a two-pack with the female Twi'lek host as well?) 8. Porcellus 9. Pelli Motto (pack-ins: pit...
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    Yak's Top Ten 2024: The Vintage Collection: The Sequel Trilogy (The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and The Rise of Skywalker)

    1. General Armitage Hux (TFA) (with removable hat and coat) 2. Allegiant General Pryde (TROS) 3. Ben Solo (TROS) 4. Vicrul (TROS) 5. Trudgen (TROS) 6. Ushar (TROS) 7. Kuruk (TROS) 8. Cardo (TROS) 9. General Leia Organa (TFA) (in her Resistance uniform) 10. Poe Dameron (TROS/TLJ/TFA) (any...
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    Yak's Top Ten 2024: The Black Series: The New Republic (The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett, and Ahsoka)

    Probably same as my TVC wishlist: 1. Brendol Hux (The Mandalorian) 2. Captain Pellaeon (The Mandalorian) 3. Dr. Pershing (The Mandalorian) 4. Elia Kane (The Mandalorian) 5. Frog Lady (The Mandalorian) (pack in: eggs/egg canister) 6. Peli Motto (The Mandalorian) 7. Garsa Fwip (BOBF) 8. Twi'lek...
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    Yak's Top Ten 2024: The Vintage Collection: The New Republic (The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett, and Ahsoka)

    Presumably, from others' answers here, they don't actually have to be New Republic members? Just in those shows during that time? If so: 1. Brendol Hux (The Mandalorian) 2. Captain Pellaeon (The Mandalorian) 3. Dr. Pershing (The Mandalorian) 4. Elia Kane (The Mandalorian) 5. Frog Lady (The...