Search results

  1. JediMerc

    Star Wars Rebels Season One

    The two teaser trailers are posted over at looks pretty good! Now I'm getting excited; it'll be good to have SW back on TV!
  2. JediMerc

    Star Wars Rebels Season One

    But we're all forgetting Hasbro logic. They'd say something like this: "The Z-95 Headhunter just looks too much like an X-wing and, in an effort to not confuse the casual consumer, it won't be produced. Yes, we know it's cool-looking and aggressive, but our minds are made up." Then we all...
  3. JediMerc

    Star Wars Rebels Season One

    I'm echoing much of what's already been said: - If the new figures are only 5 POA, I'm out. (And I would likely have made multiple purchases as a customizer...) - If new ships like the Ghost are produced, I'll gladly pick them up! - If these are animated-styled figures, I'll pass. Hopefully...
  4. JediMerc

    Star Wars Rebels Season One

    Didn't the Twilight blow up in "The Lawless"? Obi-Wan tried to rescue Satine and the Mandos shot it down as they were trying o escape. That being said, it'd still be cool to see ship like the just has the OT "feel" to it. I do like the gravity of a meeting between a rebel Ahsoka...
  5. JediMerc

    Star Wars Rebels Season One

    I like the design. It is somewhat clunky, but hey: so was the Falcon! I'd be in favor of seeing it in toy form, but not in that awful Class II mini-ship line...
  6. JediMerc

    JediMerc's Customs (Harn Vendath - EpVII Contest Entry) - p8

    Hi all, new to the boards but have admired the work from the many outstanding artists here for a loonngg-time. I'm into the Dark Times-era and was inspired greatly by Sith_fire's version of (bearded) Dass Jennir from Blue Harvest. Until I have the time to do a bearded version, I decided to try...