A Thousand Generations: Prologue: A Dawn of Two Suns


Sep 1, 2016



3.jpg On the planet of Tatooine, twenty eight years after the Battle of Yavin.

4.5.jpg Even after all its many years, Mos Eisley remains a wretched hive of scum and villainy.

4.JPG The denizens of the city go about their business, much like they always have. Aliens from countless worlds, smugglers on the run, and peaceful moisture farmers, they all live their lives untouched by the New Republic. In these times, most keep their heads lowered, and their words quiet. Some things never change on Tatooine, and lawlessness is no exception.

5.JPG In recent days, the troops of the dreaded First Order have made their presence known, and keep a dark and watchful eye over the spaceport. In their white armor, the Stormtroopers under the command of Supreme Leader Snoke stand resolute, hiding the faces of humans under their helmets. With the purpose of eliminating their humanity, leaving only their strength and power.

6.JPG On the outskirts of the spaceport rests a droid shop, a small establishment owned by a Nemodian known as Ruke Vaalo. Outside of it rests a junkyard, where Ruke keeps everything from old Pit Droids to Podracer engines.

7.JPG Through the sands and scraps of metal, Mile Danis works in the yard. He is young, and has yet to make his mark on the world. But he works diligently, even under the unforgiving gaze of Tatooine’s twin suns.

8.JPG Ruke steps out into the junkyard, as the sands begin to shift and the winds grow harsher. Dust begins to fill the air, and Ruke calls over to the young human. A sandstorm is about to hit.


Sep 1, 2016
9.JPG “You’re in luck, boy,” the Nemodian says gruffly as he looks to the horizon. “Looks like a sandstorm coming this way. Pack up everything, this pile of junk’s accustomed to be buried in sand; we are not.”
Ruke Vaalo is not without his rough edges, but he is a fair boss. Grateful, Mile nods, “Yes sir, I’ll pack everything up as quickly as I can.”

10.JPG Mile hustles through his work, finishing as quickly as he can, as the winds begin to grow in strength.

11.5.JPG Sand blows through the air, hailing down across the surface of the planet

11.JPG Later that evening, Mile takes cover from the untamable sands in Squid’s Café; a small watering hole owned by an old Quarren veteran from the Galactic Civil War.

12.JPG Even with a storm raging outside, the patrons find entertainment in watching and betting on holovids of Podraces from Malastare.

13.JPG The owner of the café’s name is Bassik Grenn, but he is known more often as Squid. Most Quarren would be offended by the title, but Squid has adopted it ever since his days in the Rebel Alliance.

14.JPG An old spacer, Hallis is a friend of Mile’s. He always has stories of distant planets to tell, but even then, Mile does not know much about the mysterious old Givin. He lives out in the Jundland Wastes, working as a Moisture Farmer.

15.JPG “I haven’t seen sands this strong since Jakku,” Squid began, “When that huge Star Destroyer crashed to the ground, it sent sands flying every which way. But it felt like most of it ended up in our eyes,” he says nostolgically.


Sep 1, 2016
16.JPG “There was once a pretty wild dust storm during a battle Aargonar. Of course then, it was our ship that was doing the crashing,” Hallis joined in, his tone showing the smile his face does not. He and Squid had always enjoyed swapping stories of distant worlds, and journies to them. Some Mile had heard countless times, but this was one he had not.

17.JPG Ever eager to learn, Mile listens intently. He enjoys Hallis’ stories of adventure across the galaxy. He had always thought about being a spacer, roaming the galaxy, visiting distant planets, seeing sites like the capital of Hosnian Prime, or even the city world of Coruscant. But the only home he knows is the vast deserts of Tatooine, and it has always seemed like this place was the planet farthest from the bright center of the universe.

18.JPG “Those were different days,” Hallis states, “Life was adventure. But after the Clone Wars, so much changed.”

19.JPG “Wait… You fought in the Clone Wars?” Mile asks. He had always suspected, do to the Givin’s age and his array of tales. But he had never found the opportuinty to ask the question.

20.JPG “Yes,” Hallis says as he leans back, memory haunting his tone. “I fought for the Old Republic. But that was a different time, life was adventure then. Even with the New Republic and all its glory, things will never be the same.” His voice begins to trail off for a moment, as Hallis thinks to himself. “Different stories for different times.” The Givin says, more cheerfully. He then spends the rest of the evening telling a tale of the harvest, as the memory of the past fades into the night.

21.JPG The following morning, Mile cleans up the yard with the help of two Jawas. Everthing had shifted under the harsh winds, and air filled with sand.

22.JPG The Jawas’ names are Meeto and Haak. Excitable little fellows, but fierce as a Krayt Dragon in a pinch. They scuffle through the endless piles of scrap.

23.JPG “Utinni!” Haak, the younger one, exclaims, as he gestures to an Astromech arm nearby. “Sala Ruke chii haja sung daba.” Mile tells them in Jawaese. The words meaning: Master Ruke will definity want this. The jawas nod, and then wander off to look through the junk.
Parts to R-series Astromech Droids had been becoming rarer and rarer. Ever since the adition of the BB unite, they just weren’t in demand.

24.JPG Mile reaches down for the part, but sees something glimmering in the pile of scrap, uncovered by the winds from the storm. He clears the pile…

25.JPG …revealing a small metal object. It is unusual, but unique. Mile cannot explain it, but it almost seems to… call to him.


Sep 1, 2016
26.JPG He picks the object up, and studies it. It is heavier than he suspected, but still light. It was worn, but at the same time, it seemed in decent condition. But what it even was was still a mystery to him.

27.JPG “What is this thing?” He asks himself softly, gripping the unusual item in his hand.

28.JPG He decides to examine it later, and get back to work. But as he takes the R-series part back to the shop, he cannot help but think about how the odd little object had drawn him.

29.JPG After a long day of work, Mile rushes home. He dodges the Stormtroopers of the First Order, much like he usually does. They had only been on Tatooine for a few years, but their commands were law. Mile knew it wise not to tangle with them.

30.JPG He passes by a few more Jawas as arrives at his home. He was lucky enough to pick up their language, from living his whole life here.

31.JPG He enters his home, and is greeted by his friend, and trustworthy droid: R5-D4.

32.JPG An old Astromech Droid, Mile had found R5 while Scavaging an abandoned Moisture Farm with Haak and Meeto a few years back. They had reckoned that what had really happened was that Sand People had burned the place to the ground.

33.JPG Mile was happy to find R5, though he had needed a few repairs. Chief among them; a very bad motivator.

34.JPG After greeting his droid friend, Mile decides to inspect the strange object some more. He sets it on his desk, and looks at it more carefully. There is quite a bit of sand on it, he begins to dust it off, and accidentally hits a button…

35.jpg Suddenly, the object ignites with a bold hum, as the blade of light illuminates the dark room. Mile gawks in astonishment.


Sep 1, 2016
36.JPG R5-D4 squeels loudly with surprise.

37.jpg Mile holds the blade in his hand, moving it around slowly. As he moves it back and forth, it hums with power. He gazes at the blade, now having more questions than answers. But he knows exactly the person to ask: Hallis.

38.JPG The following morning, Mile found Hallis as soon as he could. He pulled him aside on the city streets of Mos Eisley. “Hallis,” He begins, “I-I found something. It’s metal, it’s.. I can’t even explain it.” There’s so much to tell, the blade, its power, how it ‘called’ to him.
“What is it, Mile?” Hallis inquires, confused by Mile's jabbering.

39.JPG ”Here,” Mile says, ducking down a nearby alleyway.

40.JPG “I was working in the yard, after that sandstorm hit,” Mile says as he begins his tale, “I was digging through some droid scraps, when I found…”

41.JPG “…This.” He states, as he holds out the hilt in his hand.

43.JPG The old Givin stares in shock at the blade, as countless memories flood his mind. Memories of times passed, and old friends long gone. “You found a Lightsaber.. it’s the weapon of the Jedi..”
“Lightsaber? Jedi? What are-“

44.JPG Without warning, two Stormtroopers charge Hallis and Mile. “You there, stop!” the sergant of the First Order yells. He and the other trooper had followed them down the alleyway.

45.JPG “Surrender that weapon and yourself in the name of Supreme Leader Snoke!”

46.JPG “I’m not going to ask you again!” The trooper yells; what patience he possesses now completely gone.
Hallis collects his thoughts for what brief moments they have, the weight of what he is about to do burdening his shoulders. It’s been a long time, he thinks to himself, too long.


Sep 1, 2016
47.JPG Suddenly, the Lightsaber flies from Mile’s hand…

48.png …Into Hallis’ grip. He ignites the saber, with a loud hum. The scent of ozone fills the alley, as the blue light shines.

49.png “He’s a Jedi, finish him!” One of the troopers yells, as both train their blasters on Hallis.

50.png BA-DOW! The blaster fires, but when it hits the blade it is deflected…

51.png …back at the trooper! The bolt hits the weapon, and it flies from its owner’s hand.

52.JPG Hallis extends his hand, as if reaching out to something.

53.JPG The trooper is set flying into the wall.

54.png “Resistance Scum!” The trooper shoots his blaster, aiming to kill. BA-DOW!

55.png But these bolts too are deflected by Hallis, with the Lightsaber in his hand.

56.png The bolt soars back at hits its’ firer in the chest…


Sep 1, 2016
57.png …Leaving the trooper motionless, on the ground.

58.png Both troopers groan, as the lay on the ground. Alive, but very much defeated. Mile stares at the sight before him. What he had just seen did far more than just shock him; it turned his world upside down. What was a Lightsaber? What were the Jedi? And who was Hallis even?

59.JPG “I think that should have cut them off our trail. We need to go,” Hallis states, “Now.”

60.JPG “What was that?!” Mile exclaims, “Those troopers! Why are they after us?” Mile begins to flood Hallis with questions.

61.JPG “I’ll explain as best as I can, but we need to get out of here.” Hallis says as he hands the Lightsaber back into Mile’s hands.

62.JPG Mile accepts the blade, knowing that this object has already cost both he and Hallis a lot.

63.JPG Before leaving, Hallis walks to each trooper and waves his hand in front of them, before saying something. Then two of them escape from the alleyway, and run out to blend into the streets of Mos Eisley; unaware of the figure watching them from the shadows.

64.JPG Underneath his hood, the figure activates his commlink: “Operative to First Order command. Alert Ren at once, I’ve discovered something that might be of interest to him.”


Sep 1, 2016
65.JPG The two find refuge in Mile home. Mile’s heart still races after the excitement from before, but he was beginning to calm down. “What are the Jedi? What’s a Lightsaber?” Mile asks.

66.JPG Hallis remains quiet for just a moment, thinking through his every word with care. “The Jedi Knights… We were keepers of the peace, in the days of the Old Republic. We carried those lightsabers, and wielded The Force.”

67.JPG “The Force?” Mile inquires.

68.JPG “Well, the Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It’s an energy field that transcends the universe. It surrounds us, and binds us.”
“So you were a Jedi Knight?” Mile asks.
“No, I never had the chance to be knighted. I was a mere Padawan. But the Jedi, they were real.”

69.JPG “For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the Guardians of Peace and Justice in the Old Republic…”

After many years of wanting to write a Photo Novel. I have FINALLY begun! Here is the prologue of my story: A Thousand Generations. The next part will take place around the events of the Phantom Menace, as Hallis tells Mile stories about a collection of Jedi, and the events surrounding them. I'm hoping to have the next one out in a month or two, so keep me accountable! I hope you enjoy. Please let me know your thoughts! I know I have a lot to learn.


P.S. I'm still learning the ropes of this, can anyone help me fit these all into one post? I wasn't sure how, so I apologize for the many posts :)


Staff member
May 7, 2006
Oh damn, this looks great! I started reading tonight, but got 5 kids here at the house that I'm trying to watch.. full review as soon as I can!



Sep 1, 2016
YAK_Chewie":qmli4akp said:
Oh damn, this looks great! I started reading tonight, but got 5 kids here at the house that I'm trying to watch.. full review as soon as I can!


Thanks! Looking forward to hearing it! I gotcha, I am one of five siblings. I understand having a crazy/full house! :)
Mar 19, 2016
Kovecs96":y9cabzkq said:
YAK_Chewie":y9cabzkq said:
Oh damn, this looks great! I started reading tonight, but got 5 kids here at the house that I'm trying to watch.. full review as soon as I can!


Thanks! Looking forward to hearing it! I gotcha, I am one of five siblings. I understand having a crazy/full house! :)
I'm one of 7....I can also understand, great photography!


Sep 1, 2016
GrandMoffHux14":20577s0i said:
Kovecs96":20577s0i said:
YAK_Chewie":20577s0i said:
Oh damn, this looks great! I started reading tonight, but got 5 kids here at the house that I'm trying to watch.. full review as soon as I can!


Thanks! Looking forward to hearing it! I gotcha, I am one of five siblings. I understand having a crazy/full house! :)
I'm one of 7....I can also understand, great photography!

That's awesome, my friend! And thank you for the compliment too! :)

Lance Quazar

Aug 12, 2006
Planet Houston
WOW!! A brand new photonovel by a brand new author!!! This is a cause for celebration! Hooray!!

I think this series is off to an excellent start! Very well done!!!

The sets are absolutely terrific, excellent work with your dioramas, you nail both the look and feel of Mos Eisley. Funny, scrolling down the page, I was actually a little nervous when I saw your screen grab of the CGI Mos Eisely. I thought, uh oh...when you set yourself up for a big visual comparison like that, switching from an actual screen grab to action figures and home made dioramas can sometimes be jarring.

But it wasn't here at all, a testament to your great work. And the painted backdrops used in many shots look really nice - terrific work there.

I like the writing style here - at first I wasn't sure if I liked it, but I really got into it. You have a lot of nice detail, it's very novel-esque, with more prose than many photonovels, which help flesh out the characters, the world and the historical context of the events. Well done, it makes for a very pleasant read!

It seems like you have a "first" - a photonovel set (well, at least partly, given what you've said about the next chapter) in the Episode VII "Force Awakens" timeline.

Honestly, I think many people watching "Force Awakens" were a little confused by the exact state of the galaxy. The world-building isn't very clear in the movie. How power are the First Order? Where do they live? How many people across the galaxy know about them? What is their strength compared to the Republic? etc. etc. etc.

But, I think what you have done here is clear and consistent with the movie. It can believe that the First Order has been slowly infiltrating, if not downright conquering, planets on the fringes of the galaxy, places like Tatooine, which, as we saw in both the prequel and classic trilogy, were far enough away that they had neither a standing Republic or Imperial presence on them.

So this all works just fine for me. My only real nitpick - I didn't quite buy the dialogue when the troopers said "In the name of Snoke and Kylo Ren." Just doesn't feel like something a trooper would necessarily say, especially the Kylo Ren part. Though powerful and important, Kylo Ren still seems like just a powerful enforcer for the First Order, not really part of its leadership structure, so I don't think they would throw the name around - especially because I'd imagine most people would just shrug and say, "Um, okay, who the hell is Kylo Ren?"

That said, the spy sending a message to Ren was definitely a cool and chilling moment.

I really like the characters here - they come to life very nicely. Even the shop keeper has a personality in his brief scene.

Mile seems like a likable everyman, but, of course, the standout is Hallis. All the characters have well-writen, believable dialogue and I'm eager to hear more about Hallis.

While I think the idea of doing flashbacks to Hallis' past is a cool idea, I hope you will keep the bulk of the action in the present as we follow these two on their adventures.

I'm very interested in seeing what happens to these guys and also interested in seeing how you integrate their adventures into the Sequel Trilogy timeline which, as I said, can be a little confusing to navigate. So you have perhaps a more challenging road ahead than a story set in the classic or prequel trilogy (since we understand those timelines so very well.)

So keep up the good work, really looking forward to your next chapter!


Staff member
May 7, 2006
I was able to read through this late last night before going to bed, and just had to pop in and share some thoughts.

This was outstanding! What a start to a new series, I have to echo Lance's excitement!

First off, the era you chose your story to be in is refreshing. It's great seeing someone tackle the era around The Force Awakens... awesome!

Secondly, nice mix of customs and "stock" figures. It's nice to see you not using just stock figures for your photonovel.

Third, the sets! Great dioramas! I just love that you invested your time to make sets. It all comes together so well, and makes your story so much better. Very well done!

Next, the cast - just enough to make it very interesting with Mile, Hallis, and R5-D4 (ha, fun nod to ANH). I'm so glad you didn't try and add too many characters to this.

The writing was also very effective! It was very easy to follow, but also wasn't over-simplified.

And finally... the story! I love that he found the lightsaber, but has no clue what it is. And the First Order troops... loved the way they want after him and Hallis... I did not expect for Hallis to be have Jedi roots... love it!

Thank you for sharing this with us, and best of luck with future chapters! I think we're in for a treat! Oh - and very nice photography too. :)



Sep 1, 2016
Lance Quazar":1vlw7m0w said:
WOW!! A brand new photonovel by a brand new author!!! This is a cause for celebration! Hooray!!

I think this series is off to an excellent start! Very well done!!!

The sets are absolutely terrific, excellent work with your dioramas, you nail both the look and feel of Mos Eisley. Funny, scrolling down the page, I was actually a little nervous when I saw your screen grab of the CGI Mos Eisely. I thought, uh oh...when you set yourself up for a big visual comparison like that, switching from an actual screen grab to action figures and home made dioramas can sometimes be jarring.

But it wasn't here at all, a testament to your great work. And the painted backdrops used in many shots look really nice - terrific work there.

I like the writing style here - at first I wasn't sure if I liked it, but I really got into it. You have a lot of nice detail, it's very novel-esque, with more prose than many photonovels, which help flesh out the characters, the world and the historical context of the events. Well done, it makes for a very pleasant read!

It seems like you have a "first" - a photonovel set (well, at least partly, given what you've said about the next chapter) in the Episode VII "Force Awakens" timeline.

Honestly, I think many people watching "Force Awakens" were a little confused by the exact state of the galaxy. The world-building isn't very clear in the movie. How power are the First Order? Where do they live? How many people across the galaxy know about them? What is their strength compared to the Republic? etc. etc. etc.

But, I think what you have done here is clear and consistent with the movie. It can believe that the First Order has been slowly infiltrating, if not downright conquering, planets on the fringes of the galaxy, places like Tatooine, which, as we saw in both the prequel and classic trilogy, were far enough away that they had neither a standing Republic or Imperial presence on them.

So this all works just fine for me. My only real nitpick - I didn't quite buy the dialogue when the troopers said "In the name of Snoke and Kylo Ren." Just doesn't feel like something a trooper would necessarily say, especially the Kylo Ren part. Though powerful and important, Kylo Ren still seems like just a powerful enforcer for the First Order, not really part of its leadership structure, so I don't think they would throw the name around - especially because I'd imagine most people would just shrug and say, "Um, okay, who the hell is Kylo Ren?"

That said, the spy sending a message to Ren was definitely a cool and chilling moment.

I really like the characters here - they come to life very nicely. Even the shop keeper has a personality in his brief scene.

Mile seems like a likable everyman, but, of course, the standout is Hallis. All the characters have well-writen, believable dialogue and I'm eager to hear more about Hallis.

While I think the idea of doing flashbacks to Hallis' past is a cool idea, I hope you will keep the bulk of the action in the present as we follow these two on their adventures.

I'm very interested in seeing what happens to these guys and also interested in seeing how you integrate their adventures into the Sequel Trilogy timeline which, as I said, can be a little confusing to navigate. So you have perhaps a more challenging road ahead than a story set in the classic or prequel trilogy (since we understand those timelines so very well.)

So keep up the good work, really looking forward to your next chapter!

Thank you so much! I have really wanted to create one, ever since I first started following them in like 2010 or 2011! I’m so grateful to finally begin.

It was so much fun to make that set. I'm so glad it looked alright! I totally agree about the CGI scene, I used it to have an overview of the Spaceport, but I didn’t want to use the whole set in one shot. xD

All of your encouragement is so appreciated! I’m happy you’ve enjoyed it so far. And thank you so much for the compliments on my writing, it means a lot!!

You're right! I actually think I will edit out that Kylo Ren line. When you mentioned that, and how when the spy mentions his name, I think it’ll work better if that’s Kylo’s intro to the story!

It will be a little bit before we return to these characters, but hopefully by the end of the year. I have to take this part of the story slow since, as you mentioned, TFA wasn’t real keen on giving us a very fleshed out era. Unfortunately, it didn’t really leave much to imagine, and especially now that they’re not including a time jump into VIII. So we will be following some of the stories of Jedi of the past that Hallis is telling, interwoven with a few fun adventures set during TFA. But I don’t want to get into spoiler territory too much! :)

Originally, the plan was for me to write two Photonovels. One set during the prequels that goes into the originals, and then later on I would do this one (after Episode VII was released). But then I came up with combining it into one! I’m looking forward to telling these stories. I’m so grateful you enjoy reading them!


Sep 1, 2016
YAK_Chewie":1uv4jjfj said:
I was able to read through this late last night before going to bed, and just had to pop in and share some thoughts.

This was outstanding! What a start to a new series, I have to echo Lance's excitement!

First off, the era you chose your story to be in is refreshing. It's great seeing someone tackle the era around The Force Awakens... awesome!

Secondly, nice mix of customs and "stock" figures. It's nice to see you not using just stock figures for your photonovel.

Third, the sets! Great dioramas! I just love that you invested your time to make sets. It all comes together so well, and makes your story so much better. Very well done!

Next, the cast - just enough to make it very interesting with Mile, Hallis, and R5-D4 (ha, fun nod to ANH). I'm so glad you didn't try and add too many characters to this.

The writing was also very effective! It was very easy to follow, but also wasn't over-simplified.

And finally... the story! I love that he found the lightsaber, but has no clue what it is. And the First Order troops... loved the way they want after him and Hallis... I did not expect for Hallis to be have Jedi roots... love it!

Thank you for sharing this with us, and best of luck with future chapters! I think we're in for a treat! Oh - and very nice photography too. :)


Awesome! I hope the house wasn't too crazy with five kids around! I know how that can be!

Thank you! A good portion ("60 portions," couldn't resist) of it will be set in the past, mainly because of the lack of info I have on this era, but throughout I plan on having tales take place in this era.

I wish I was better with customs, it's always so amazing to see some of the awesome characters you create for the Enloe Chronicles. It's pretty cool to see the talent, and creativity that goes into it. I want to make sure all my main characters are original in some way, at least. I'm guessing people probably won't want Yoda running around under a false name, haha.

The set was fun to make! Thanks so much for the encouragement!

I'm glad! I'm always so guilty of adding too many characters to my stories, so I'm really trying to keep myself accountable. There may or may not be a few more coming in the other eras, but hopefully that should work out alright! :) I'm glad you're enjoying reading the story, I'm happy to write it! I know I've said this quite a few times, but THANK YOU so much! :)


Feb 27, 2012
I have a LOT of catching up to do in this forum, but wanted to comment on this first since it is a new series! Its really exciting to have our first sequel trilogy photonovel out! I am extremely impressed by the quality of this series, it is truly amazing that this is your first chapter!

Your dioramas are extremely impressive and really provides the authentic feel of Mos Eisley. Its always difficult to pull off a location that we saw in the films and you did an excellent job! Everything from your piles of debris, to the cantina are really well done! Your customs are extremely effective and do a great job of creating your own original characters.

Your story is fully immersive and promises to be a truly epic quest! Mile seems like an interesting character, but Squid and Hallis steal the story. I loved them swapping war stories in the cantina, really a lot of fun in that small interaction! The lightsaber is a clever plot device and a major point from the saga that can be told outside of the films. I also loved that you included R5-D4 and referenced his bad motivator!

Looking forward to more!!!


Sep 1, 2016
CloneCrazy":35scoag7 said:
I have a LOT of catching up to do in this forum, but wanted to comment on this first since it is a new series! Its really exciting to have our first sequel trilogy photonovel out! I am extremely impressed by the quality of this series, it is truly amazing that this is your first chapter!

Your dioramas are extremely impressive and really provides the authentic feel of Mos Eisley. Its always difficult to pull off a location that we saw in the films and you did an excellent job! Everything from your piles of debris, to the cantina are really well done! Your customs are extremely effective and do a great job of creating your own original characters.

Your story is fully immersive and promises to be a truly epic quest! Mile seems like an interesting character, but Squid and Hallis steal the story. I loved them swapping war stories in the cantina, really a lot of fun in that small interaction! The lightsaber is a clever plot device and a major point from the saga that can be told outside of the films. I also loved that you included R5-D4 and referenced his bad motivator!

Looking forward to more!!!

Thanks for all the encouragement! I'm so glad you've enjoyed what I'm putting out so far! :)


Sep 1, 2016
I'll be putting together a preview of what's to come very soon! A lot of what's upcoming will take place in the past, with what may seem like a different story. But they will connect, I promise! By the end of the month, I am hoping to release the next chapter, which will take place during the prequel era.