Customs by mousedroidhoojib

Io Nahex is a small-time smuggler in the period shortly after the rise of The Empire. Abandoned as a child and taken in by a group of pirates on Boonta, Io suffered through having her face scarred in a fight to prove her worth, losing her right eye and exposing her jaw and teeth through a sliced cheek. As an adult, the jade skinned Io obtained a Corellian freighter and took to illegally running cargo through the "Rampa Rapids" to earn her way. While on the run from The Empire's shock troops, Io met with a Rebel resistance cell where she now yearns to make a difference in the fight against Emperor Palpatine's tyrannical reign.


* Dragonball Evolution Bulma (modified, for the entire body sans head)
* Slayer Design Studio head
* GI Joe: ROC Snake Eyes (for the guns)
* Pirates Of The Caribbean Angelica (for the hat)
* some modelling clay
* some material
* some beads
* some paint (Citadel "Goblin Green", "Skull White", "Chaos Black", "Burnished Gold", "Mithril Silver"

I wasn't quite sure where I was going to go with this figure until I actually got there. With the head missing a part of the cheek ala the DC Comics character Jonah Hex, the only thing that I really knew when starting was that the costume should probably be something akin to the comic version of that character but with more feminine attributes. The maroon coat was a late addition to the costume and I think really gives the rest of the outfit better definition.

Io Nahex is ready to join the Rebel Alliance in the fight against The Empire.




Dec 18, 2010
The Tintinna looks flippin' awesome! I love when a great concept results in a great-looking fig. Excellent job here, as well as on all of your soft goods!
Thank-you, JediMerc.

In the early days of The Empire, Emperor Palpatine ensured that all of his shock troops were trained and ready for combat in any situation on any world under his jurisdiction. One group of these troops specialised in "urban jungle" warfare, wearing camouflage that would hide their presence in a metropolitan landscape.


* POTF2 Stormtrooper (for the chest, groin and upper arms)
* ROTS Clone Trooper (for the forearms and legs)
* Vintage Collection Sandtrooper (for the head)
* Clone Wars Captain Rex (for the viewfinder)
* GI Joe ROC Zartan (for half of the backpack)
* POTF2 Ponda Baba (for the gun)
* some modelling clay
* some paint (Citadel "Space Wolves Gray", "Codex Gray", "Ice Blue", "Chaos Black", "Golden Yellow")

This wasn't something that I went out of my way to make given clones really aren't my "thing", but given a glut of trooper based fodder, I thought that I would throw it together and see if I could do a passable job of painting camouflage on it. Given that it only took about an hour to put together from start to finish, I think that it came out okay.



Apr 1, 2010
from one soft goods guy to another, great job. I can appreciate how much work goes into every one of your creations. That imperial agent in the bluish suit is impressive. Have you gone blind yet? Your work is enjoyed by my three boys as well. Really outstanding
In a more civilised age, "before the dark times, before The Empire", young Togruta women would present themselves as debutantes to show their coming of age. One such one young woman was Kuraska Taasys, the niece of the governor of Shili. In her finest clothes, Kuraska greets potential suitors in the customary Togrutan fashion of not wearing shoes, so as to maintain her spiritual connection to the land.


* Liv Doll Alexis
* some modelling clay
* some wire
* some material
* some paint (Citadel "Skull White", "Red Gore", "Space Wolves Grey", "Ultramarines Blue", "Mithril Silver")

While I think that the heads on the Liv Doll range aren't really suitable for use for "normal" 12" figures given their slightly oversized nature, they work perfectly here for a more alien look, particularly with the expression found in the eyes. Although I am happy with how the lekku and montrals came out for the most part, the ridge on the forehead between where the regular head ends and the clay begins is a little too pronounced. It doesn't detract overly from the look of the character, but it could probably be better. I was originally aiming for a 19th century almost steampunk look to the costume, but somewhere along the way ventured off course in exposing a little bit of skin but still maintaining some class.

Thank-you, YAK_Chewie.

Throughout the 1980s, DC Comics re-used the names of a number of their Golden Age characters and repurposed them into more mature characters. One of these characters, Vigilante, was changed from his 1940's cowboy style incarnation to the vengeance seeking, increasingly amoral Adrian Chase, the subject of this particular custom:



* Marvel Universe Union Jack (modified, for the head)
* GI Joe ROC Snake Eyes (modified, for the entire body sans head)
* some modelling clay
* some material
* some household plastic
* some paint (Citadel "Chaos Black", "Skull White", "Bleached Bone", "Ultramarines Blue", "Blood Red")

The Vigilante seeks justice and is not afraid to resort to violence to achieve it.

As seen in a few first season episodes of The Clone Wars TV show, here is Peg Leg Piit, a Weequay member of Hondo Ohnaka's pirate gang based on Florrum:



* Clone Wars Anakin Skywalker (Naboo Star Skiff pilot) (modified, for the body sans head and right lower leg)
* Marvel Universe House Of M Spider-Man (modified, for the base of the head)
* Legacy Collection Princess Leia (Jabba's Slave) (for the side braids)
* Clone Wars Padme Amidala (Adventure Gear) (for the back braids)
* some modelling clay
* some household plastic
* some material
* some paint (Citadel "Grave Yard Earth", "Kommando Khaki", "Red Gore", "Liche Purple", "Mithril Silver", "Skull White", "Chaos Black", "Codex Gray", "Ice Blue", "Goblin Green", "Goldin Yellow")

Once more turning male fodder into a female custom, this figure is the closest I have come yet to sculpting humanoid-like facial features. While I have a long way to go before I can realistically sculpt a Hollywood beauty, I think the Weequay face turned out okay when sculpted on top of Spider-Man's noggin.

Don't think that just because she is missing a leg that Peg Leg Piit is not a sure shot with a blaster:

Thanks, drod26.

Here is Captain Jean-Luc Picard in his Star Trek: Generations era duty uniform:



* DragonBall Evolution Goku (modified, for the entire body sans head)
* SlayerDesignStudio head
* some material
* some paint (Citadel "Elf Flesh", "Space Wolves Grey", "Skull White", "Chaos Black", "Burnished Gold", "Mithril Silver")

This is a pretty simple figure that has me torn - I am really happy with how the head has came out (it is a spectacular sculpt so it really wasn't hard to get the painted likeness right), but something seems a little off with how the costume falls, particularly around the hips and thighs when viewed front-on. The red on the shirt perhaps sits a little too low and I'm not sure that the comm-badge looks as nice painted onto the material as it may have if I sculpted something and glued it instead - I may have to revisit this in the near future.

"Warp one - Engage!"

Here is Opun Mcgrrrr, the founder of the Black Hole Pirates, owner of the Holiday Towers hotel on Cloud City and someone who bears an uncanny resemblance to Heater (or possibly The Fat Man) who often poses as Jabba The Hutt.



* Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Gibbs (heavily modified)
* some modelling clay
* some material
* some paint (Citadel "Elf Flesh", "Chaos Black", "Skull White", "Devlan Mud"

For a character that was only ever intended to be a fill in until the proper "look" could be found, the human Jabba filmed for the first Star Wars movie has certainly had some retconning applied to him, with no fewer than three different characters now listed on Wookieepedia as sharing the same appearance and similar biographies. While I chose to pursue what is presumably the most canon version of the character, I took some queues for the costume from Declan Mulholland's whilst keeping the hairstyle from the drawn Opun. I'm normally pedantic about making sure that the material used doesn't fray, but I thought that letting it go here might work in the context of the character which I think that it does.


Darth Phantom

Apr 27, 2009
In a galaxy far far away
Hey MD-H,

very nice job on your latest creation.

that guy really much resembles the one who was meant to play Jabba in the first place.
Also, great revamp of the POTC "Gibbs" figure. And, of course, the fabrics look extremely
nice on that figure, keep it up!
Thanks muchly for the kind words, Darth Phantom.

For a bit of fun, here is George Lucas' second choice to be Han Solo - Christopher Walken:



* Diver4 Christopher Walken head
* Barbie Fashionistas Ken (for the entire body, sans head and neck)
* some material
* some paint (Citadel "Elf Flesh", "Skull White", "Chaos Black", "Scorched Brown", "Bestial Brown", "Ultramarines Blue", "Dark Flesh")

For my first attempt at a 12" scale male character, I am really happy with how this guy came out. The head sculpt is brilliant so it was a pleasure to paint it, and the costume was relatively simple to put together. If you haven't already seen it, have a look at Kevin Spacey's impersonation of Christopher Walken in the screen test for Han Solo from Saturday Night Live from a few years ago - it is well worth your time.

Here is Sara Pezzini, the bearer of the Witchblade, based upon how she appeared on one of the covers to issue 150:



* GI Joe Resolute Roadblock (very heavily modified, for the entire body sans head, feet and right hand)
* SlayerDesignStudio head
* GI Joe ROC Storm Shadow (for the feet)
* Austwide Toys Destroyer Series Demon (modified, for the right hand)
* some modelling clay
* some material
* some paint (Citadel "Elf Flesh", "Chaos Black", "Skull White", "Bestial Brown", "Tin Bitz", "Mithril Silver", "Burnished Gold", "Devlan Mud", "Ultramarines Blue", "Blood Red")

Thanks muchly, YAK_Chewie!

Next up is Xasha, Boba Fett's partner (in multiple meanings of the word) from The Force Unleashed II graphic novel:



* The Legacy Collection Plourr Ilo (modified, for the head)
* The Clone Wars ARF Trooper (heavily modified, for the entire body sans head)
* Saga Legends AOTC Clone Trooper (for the helmet)
* GI Joe ROC Snake Eyes (for the pockets on the belt)
* some modelling clay
* some material
* some paint (Citadel "Elf Flesh", "Chaos Black", "Skull White", "Blood Red", "Red Gore", "Bubonic Brown", "Regal Blue", "Mithril Silver", "Grave Yard Earth")

I had thought that this figure was going to be quite complicated to do, but it turned out to be just the opposite. Once the clone changed gender and the clothes were fitted, adding the armour pieces turned out to be relatively easy with the whole figure going from start to finish in about 10 hours over the course of a couple of days. Given the head would not fit nicely in even the thinnest possible clone helmet, I chose to keep the two seperate, and by making the hair in two pieces - the majority on the normal head, and a smaller piece on the back of the neck - I think replicates the same basic look seen in the comic. And no, I don't know why someone would bother wearing chest and back armour whilst also having their mid-section exposed to the elements in the way that Xasha does.

Thanks as always, ghostskull18.

For my entry in Yakfinities #44 here is Flewel Luthinoe, a Lutrillian businessman who has come to Bespin to attempt to lure the Baron Administrator of Cloud City into a deal which could set his business up in the dark times of The Empire's rule. Unfortunately, Flewel was unaware that someone else was offering a better deal to Lando Calrissian on that same day...


* Dragonball Evolution Goku (for the entire body sans head)
* some modelling clay
* some material
* some paint (Citadel "Skull White", "Chaos Black", "Vomit Brown", "Kommando Khaki", "Blood Red", "Mithril Silver", "Burnished Gold")



Jul 14, 2010
awesome figure man... I really like the soft good combo on this little guy... fan-fiction at this best..