Thanks muchly @darthapathy , @EndUser77 and @Starchaser
"It's a trap!" A legion of Ackbar Troopers immediately descends upon Sig Greebling as he starts his adventure to Rebuild The Galaxy.
* 3D print of "STAR WARS .STL The Clone Wars OBJ. Clone Trooper phase 1 and 2 3d KENNER STYLE ACTION FIGURE." by DESERT-OCTOPUS and "Star Wars .stl ADMIRAL ACKBAR .3D action figure .OBJ Kenner style" by DESERT-OCTOPUS, with articulation added in Tinkercad
* Tamiya "Dark Yellow", "Flat Earth", "Sky Grey", "Flat White", "Semi-Gloss Black", Citadel "Averland Sunset" paints
"It's a trap!" A legion of Ackbar Troopers immediately descends upon Sig Greebling as he starts his adventure to Rebuild The Galaxy.

* 3D print of "STAR WARS .STL The Clone Wars OBJ. Clone Trooper phase 1 and 2 3d KENNER STYLE ACTION FIGURE." by DESERT-OCTOPUS and "Star Wars .stl ADMIRAL ACKBAR .3D action figure .OBJ Kenner style" by DESERT-OCTOPUS, with articulation added in Tinkercad
* Tamiya "Dark Yellow", "Flat Earth", "Sky Grey", "Flat White", "Semi-Gloss Black", Citadel "Averland Sunset" paints