there isn't mcuh more i can say that hasn't been said, i have to admit im one of the people who criticize in the negative, but not on the movie saga, i actually loved the prequels, despite little things like jar-jar binks and sub-par acting by some of the charecters, i saw TPM in theaters 8 times, i saw AOTC 5 times and i really can't remember how many times i went to see ROTS, i own all these movies and continue to watch them on a regular basis.
im a huge EU fan and my only problem with anything SW and lucas's work is with the CW series. this is because of the debasing of cannon facts that existed before this series, you can't just decide to give anakin a padawan that dosn't fly with the movies or any other EU comics/book etc., you can't just decide to make the mandolorians pasafisct and have the warrior mandos be terrorists, these are things that were already established and now they are tossed aside for some animated nonsense. you could have made a great CW series, geared toward childeren, with out contradicting the facts and base for which the SW universe is already based on.
thats really my only gripe, stick to what is already established and don't change it.....otherwise i would fully welcome any new SW movies/shows in any form. there are always going to be critics and disgruntled fans, instead of being bent out of shape because they are criticizing your work understand they are so critical because they are so passionate about the galaxy that you have created.....