It's up as of 10:12 this morning.
I realized that I was looking in the wrong place. I kept checking the website and coming up with nothing. I checked the app, and there it was.I only know because I was checking to see if the TVC Luke was back up since I was out of the country when they put it up and it's since been out of stock.
Yeah, it's weird. Sometimes the website says something is out of stock, but then I check the app and it's in stock. I order and it goes through.I realized that I was looking in the wrong place. I kept checking the website and coming up with nothing. I checked the app, and there it was.
I'd love to find some more Weequays... nice figure for customs...numb, dstr droid, weequay have been pickings. lots of dc 1's and 2 packs showing up.
Hole in the Ground Pro made a nice video showing a good way to close off the top of it... I might give it a whirl...The main thing I hear is the lack of paint apps (wash) to make things pop. It’s too monochromatic.
I never have seen an Osha at retail. Great figure... I'd buy more in person if I saw her... guess it's time for me to check AmazonI found and purchased a Mae figure a few days ago. I haven't done much more than open her. There was no Osha. I've seen Osha once and held off, but I'll get her the next time I see her.