Greetings Everyone!
I've been lurking the Yakforums for several months but decided to take the plunge and register. I have continually been inspired by all the great custom action figures that are regularly posted time and time again and I no longer wanted to be left out of the fun. I'm trying to carve out a niche of making custom figures that require little to no painting, which can be quite difficult at times as getting parts to meld when they vary in size, color, texture, etc can take a lot of engineering and witty disguise. Hopefully you'll get as much enjoyment out of my customs as I got out of crafting them.
So I present my first Yakfinities custom. Her name is simply Agent X. She chooses not to use her birth name so as to not reveal her identity or history. Her most recent assignment is to eliminate the Separtist Leader Count Dooku on the planet Geonosis. Unfortunately, the Jedi arrived and started some kind of war, so she'll have to try again later. :wink:
Head - Bultar Swan (comic pack)
Torso - Bultar Swan (comic pack)
Arms - Padme Amidala (ROTS)
Legs - Princess Leia Hoth (POTF2)
Bandolier - Elizabeth Swan (POTC)
Goggles - Luke Skywalker Sandstorm (TLC)
Pistols - Rebel Fleet Trooper (POTJ)
Rifle - Endor Rebel Soldier (Saga)