Yakfinities #24 - ASSASSINS

Mar 29, 2008
Congrats Cenvax and to everyone who entered and had some fun with this. There were some awesome entries as Dan of the dead has pointed out in great detail. I must say I agree with him and think this was a great month. Hope everyone can make time for the other custom projects going on here.


Mar 6, 2007
Tallahassee FL
Congrats Cenvax,

I Wish I Could Post Some Closer Pics,
But My Camera Is On It's Way To Canon To Be Repaired.
So I Had To Use My Cell Phone.

But The Recipe Is:
Upper Body & Torso: Lady Jaye
Hips: Comic Pack Bultar Swan
Legs: TAC Yavin Ceremony Luke
Heads: MicroMan Catwoman,
Hair: Comic Baroness

The Swan Hips Peg was Broke Off, So I Cutoff The Jaye Waist Even
with Her Hips And Then Used Aves Fixit mold It Smooth With The Swan

You're right about the Goggles I Envisioned Them To Be A Type Of
HUD System That Links With Her Sniper Rifle.


Lance Quazar

Aug 12, 2006
Planet Houston
Holy smokes what an AMAZING bunch!

Congratulations to ALL the entries - not a dud in the bunch!



Sep 9, 2008
Green Bay, WI
Congrats Cenvax, and good job to all participants. Can't wait for the next one! Anyone interested in collaborating ur customs for a photonovel? PM me if so.
Sep 4, 2006
Wow, what a great month... Wish I could have gotten in on the fun. I had an idea for a small team of assassins for the Rebellion. Maybe I can get to those some time in the future.

Cenvax, congrats on winning this month's contest! Extremely cool figure, totally new look - -- something that's sometimes hard to achieve with a kit-bash. I like how you chose Luke's bandolier and just converted it to a belt. The large clips look really nice with this guy for being no-nonsense, all business. As you can see with the axe, the guy just wants to get the job done - -- I guess there's no question with him as to if his quarry makes an escape, or has blaster-resistant armor. Doesn't matter. :lol: Again, good job on creating a tough guy concept for this theme.

Chewie, it goes without saying that you almost always start off each month with a great entry. Many times, you have something more out there, and then there's just classic, well-executed figures.

The Jedi Assassin was one of those "out-there" customs. I love the idea, even though it might be against what the Jedi stand for supposedly, to me it seems more probable to be in some hidden corner of the galaxy, that even the Jedi might resort to just eliminating a problem. While the figure is pretty straight-forward parts-wise, the paint job is excellent, and the Padme hood really makes this one a winner. I honestly can't say I saw the potential in that hood, or would even attempt it myself, but it works so well with this guy. With the small sliver of a viewpoint, it reminds me a bit of one of the early Episode 1 Sith designs. If I ever get around to picking another Padme set, I might use your idea as a basis. Good job!

The Twi'lek, is an example of the classic type in my opinion. Parts wise, it seems pretty straightforward, but what makes this one so unique is the wonderful paint job. Normally with such a vibrant skin tone, I would probably go with a neutral tan or brown for the pants. Would Chewie do that? No, he goes for outlandish purple hot-pants that just happens to make this figure one of my favorites of your creations. The shading you've done on the figure really brings out the sculpt, and I also like that you added stripes down the pant legs. She kind of reminds me of the Tonnika sisters in the way that she's very garish, yet just carries it off as everyday attire. I'm by no way an OT purists, but when a figure can transcend either trilogy look, it always makes me give it a thumbs up. She could certainly be seen in any number of prequel locales, but just as easily hobnobbing with Lando on some crazy excursion or get-rich quick scheme. On a side note, the torso looks like it could almost be a good start for a TFU Shaak Ti.

Zeedo Chissis - kind of has a long, lean, quirky take on this Rodian. I like it though. Gives him his own character, and differentiates him from ol' Greedo. I like how you always seem to incorporate Clone armor into your customs. I always think that it'll just look like, well, clone armor. Your complimenting parts choice, and painting always manage to make it seem like totally new parts though. Paint on this one is really nice, and the BBQ shoulder pads really work with this one I think. Nice job on all three this month, Chewie!

PizzatheHut, glad to see you participate this month! Excellent job with Agent X... While of course painting, and further modifying can open up a whole lot more in terms of customizing, kit-bashing is certainly the essence of all customizing. You have taken this to a real extreme, in picking out parts that really flow well together, as the original paint schemes and plastics make for an intriguing, and complete design. Really fine work with this one! Sometimes when you have to narrow it down to parts that match, you can miss out, and get a figure that's slightly off in proportion. Not so with this one! Looks perfect - -- I don't think paint could really enhance anymore than what you have here. Cool idea to use the Liz Swann bandolier along with the small rebel fleet guns! Again, nice creation, and hope you'll continue to share in future contests!

Tonphanan, Who woulda thunk a Jawa would be the one to konk someone out?! :lol: Cool idea to pick up a somewhat harmless creature and make him a conniving little brute. I like the color scheme you used with the black, along with the lighter tan to set this guy apart from your typical Jawa. The little dude looks like he could get the job done just by having the ability to gain access where your typical heavy wouldn't be able to get near. I kinda picture this little hoodlum showing up on Nar Shaada, possibly to knock off a rival crime boss for someone... or something like that. Nice job!

Sylexus, Jybv Knyff is a very cool looking assassin. He kind of has a more casual look to him, with the Biggs outfit, which really to me just works well for any Star Wars looking character. Doesn't seem like this guy really cares for all the unnecessary equipment, which seems like it'd come in handy for a job in a more populated area. Although the goggles give a different look to the clone head, it reminds me of one of the parts in the Republic Commando series where Omega Squad and some of the ARCs have to do some dirty work like this, and be in more plainclothes. Looks good!

Luke Sprywalker , Hooray for another mini-baddie! Well, not that all assassins necessarily have to be bad, but you know... Cool parts selection with the Boussh chest. Really works off the pirate guy (can't think of his name off hand) to give it a Star Wars look. He really reminds me of some of the McQuarrie work with little people being a predominant force in the galaxy. I see this guy in the Cantina (more along the lines of the mentioned production paintings, where Mos Eisley seemed a little bigger). Just because of his half-pint size, doesn't seem too worried about being pushed around, and I think he'd probably receive the respect he deserves. Great job on the paint apps, but what I really love is the size of the blaster at his side. That's too funny, and makes it seem like he's not an assassin that tries to keep his occupation hidden. Maybe more of a hit man you find ion the holo-directory?! :lol:

stormtripper, I like what you've done with your two entries.... The first guy seems to be more the old-west shoot it out kind of guy. You did a good job of conveying a gun-slinger kind of assassin, someone who'll take on any job, at any odds. Your second guy looks more like the mysterious assassin who arrives, does the job, and vanishes without a trace. I like the uniform though, it almost could make him more part of an organization than a loner. Maybe even an elite corps within the Empire?

darth_sidious, always cool to see an alternative look transposed to a realistic figure. I can't believe that awesome work you did on paint up Asajj's face... breathtaking! Nice choice of picking up on an existing character, and making a new unique take on it. I like how you tied in the lavender colors, and softer colors which somehow seem to make her all the more dangerous!

raziel, your work continues to have a very unique, distinguished look to it. Yassin Varo is just scary good. And by scary, I mean it. Nice tie in to the Vong, which seems like they'd fit in with this kind of occupation. The guard body definitely lends itself to this kind of character, but to me the highlight is still the face on this guy, only a mother could love it! Good job!

TG, very nice entries... Both seem to be capable of fulfilling their contracts.

Darth Necron is probably my favorite of the two though, as I never would have guessed that a Grievous faceplate could look so different, and imposing. This guy kind of has the feel of a Nihilus type character or something. I like the long skirt, and want to commend your painting in matching up the mask to the Fett chest plate.

Ronin Kor to me has a Ninja-influence feel to it. Which, is very fitting for an assassin. The armor details, and paint job make this one a nice entry, and like a couple of other entries, he seems to be about business only.

Paulskywalker, Unless I'm wrong, your Weequay is a straight-up kit-bash, right? Very nice look to him. The DS gunner jumpsuit seems to work out as a good base, and the vest and scarf certainly complete the look. To me, he screams of a thug who Kyle Katarn might encounter using one of the tenloss disintegration weapons. I like this one a lot! Good job!

Ars30, Allen, havne't talked to you in a while.... awesome job with your entry this month. Nice parts selection, and good call on the goggles tied into the weapon. What I really like about this one though is the paint job, I like the fact that you made the opened Jaye shirt with a body duit underneath. This kind of goes against the typical look for that, but it def. works here. Oh, and I still have 2 Tion Meddon forearms and a Gunship pod for ya.... let me know and sometime I'll be sure to get those to you.

DotD, Your customs almost always make me jealous - -- in a good way though! They're just always so pristine, and look so well-executed and finished off. I may have mentioned this before, but they seem more like something found in the art production area, like character design maquettes. Very cool to have your wife get involved and be supportive of the hobby too!!

All three entries are great, though I think that your wife's Alem'Ator is my favorite this time. The parts fit together seamlessly on this one, and the paint job is very nice. It took me a while to recognize that the legs are from a Zam Wessel. Just shows how with the right application, you can make even some junk-type figures into something really good.

The Sisters Ishei are creepy cool.... I think I'd prefer to have someone with a blaster out after me. The paint jobs are impeccable, and the Mothma headgear gives it another facet that makes these unique.

The Brom looks like an all out bad@$$. The pale tones almost make him look like he's from a star wars black and white horror flick. Good choice to go with the Quarren for a base though, as it gives him a scarier look not being too human. Also, the Mustafar skirt has become one of my favorite pieces, that doesn;t seem to be used all that often.

Nice job, Dan!!

Wow, that was a lot of writing, but definitely worth the time to take a look at this past month's entries. Everyone did a great job, and seems to me, one of the better themes in recent times. 8)


Jul 1, 2006
Wirral, UK
Thanks everyone who comented on mine, all were great this month and congrats to the winner. Yeah i tend to do a few straight up kit-bash's and only now and then a painted or cloth custom. I liked how he worked out.


Jul 13, 2007
DotD, Your customs almost always make me jealous - -- in a good way though! They're just always so pristine, and look so well-executed and finished off. I may have mentioned this before, but they seem more like something found in the art production area, like character design maquettes. Very cool to have your wife get involved and be supportive of the hobby too!!

Thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated.

I posted these over at Rebelscum as well, and it seems my wife's custom is the most popular one of the three over there as well. I try not to influence her too much when she's working on a figure... I mean, hey, she's supporting a pretty quirky hobby of mine and I'm not about to critique her out of it... but I really had to hold back when she selected the Zam Wessel legs. I thought she had a great character concept and I didn't know if the legs were going to work that well with the rest of it. Sure enoough, she did a really detailed paintjob on them (she's much better at fine detail painting than me already) and I thought they came out great.

She's reading over my shoulder and says that I should point out I still do all the dremeling or carving on the figures, and that once she's made an entire by herself she might have to start posting them herself.

These were certainly a fun batch to work on and I'm pleased with how they came out. I think she and I are getting really good at photographing them as well.
Sep 2, 2008
Elizabeth City, NC
All of these are great, however I like Dan's Wifes custom best - she showed the lads that women are good at this hobby as well.

One for the girls, by the way this is Cookiees Wife.

Yup guys the computer got nabbed, and I have to agree with my wife, otherwise she will hurt me, lol, but no seriously I think the custom Dan's wife has done should win a category by itself first of something, I know first none Star Wars customiser to make a custom, lol.