Dyman Kath: A Zabrak mercenary employed by General Oro Dassyne as an advisor and bodyguard, Kath was generally believed to have survived the fall of Dassyne's garrison on Bomis Koori IV, although his whereabouts were unknown.
Parts: Head (TPM Jedi Duel Darth Maul), Body (WWII Paratrooper), Blaster Rifle (PotF2 Boba Fett).
Reference: None. This character is entirely fan-fic.
I had to Dremel out the neck hole a bit for the new head to seat properly. Once the head was attached, the rest was a matter of painting. I stayed close to the original paint scheme because I felt that it wasn't particularly distinctive of an "earth" military unit. After painting, the entire figure was given a light coating of Testors Dull-Cote.