Yakfinities #55 - BOUNTY HUNTERS

Choose the theme for Yakfinities #55 wisely...

  • Bounty Hunters or Mercenaries (theme speaks for itself)

    Votes: 5 29.4%
  • Imperial Defectors (a character who joined the Rebellion)

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • Star Wars Rebels Series (anything from the new cartoon series)

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • Vintage Tributes (modern figure with a vintage-esque paint job)

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Astromech Droids (perhaps something unusual, like the beach ball one)

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • Star Wars Episode VII - The Force Awakens (anything from the trailer, or fan fic)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Dec 26, 2014
Thanks! I've got a kinda fan fiction storyline I came up with and I'm making figures for it. The color scheme is to go along with their Dark Side/ Imperial affiliation.
Soon after the character's introduction in the animated sequence of the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special, Kenner started work on a mailaway Boba Fett figure, complete with an even more infamous rocket firing backpack. While the figure that saw widespread release never featured the packpack, several different prototypes were seen in the promotional materials for the mailaway offer, all of which featured a kitbash combination of Death Squad Commander's legs, C-3PO's torso and Stormtrooper arms with a sculpted head and wire viewfinder, and a backpack from a Mattel Shogun Warrior figure, a vinyl cape (in the very first prototype, removed on each subsequent one) and several different, very colourful paint schemes.
For a bit of fun, I thought that I would try and replicate the look of the second incarnation of the prototype using modern, "super-articulated" components. While Hasbro has made modern rocket firing backpacks, they have had the firing mechanism activated by pushing on the end of an overlong projectile rather than being button activated as the vintage prototype was. Being a glutton for punishment, I used an ARF Trooper rocket launcher as the basis for this particular backpack given its button mechanism which, given the strength of the spring included, does indeed turn the backpack into a potentially dangerous piece of work if it were to be fired at an individual. No wonder Kenner had to tone down its original release!

Reference, recipe and turnaround animation can be found in my customs thread.


Staff member
May 7, 2006
That's so cool.

Kind of has a squeezed looking head, but I like it a lot. It really has a true retro feel to it, and of course the added articulation is great.

Well done as always!

Aug 27, 2014
Captain Rex- After the death of his close friend Fives, Rex set off for Kamino. He had to know if Fives was telling the truth. After finding a droid that recalled working with Fives, Rex had his chip removed. He immediately ran away to the outer rim, knowing that like Fives he wouldn't be believed. Several years after the dawn of the Empire, Rex now carries out bounties for Jabba the Hutt. He refuses to kill anyone not justified for death, and continuously searches for any sign of his lost brothers.
Body- 30th anniversary collection Starkiller evolution pack (one of those Starkillers
Head- SOTDS Rex
Raggy Cape- TVC Sandstorm Lando
Knife- Old Republic Trooper
PS- I know I need an updated Bossk :D


Sep 18, 2010
after a bit of hiatis, i started to pick up where i left off w/ clone wars themed. So I thought about how I was going to tackle this guy and one day a couple weks ago, while cleaning out my "craft" room, i came accross some totally random parts - not just from figures but "junk" that when i tossed them in a pile on my desk, i saw an image of how to tackle creating this bounty hunter from Clone Wars. After a week or so of adding little by little and lttle paint daily, I finally finished...(drum roll)......
Derrown the Parwan Bounty Hunter

head, duel bandoleer strap, shouder gun, assult gun in hand, and torso were from some random dollar store/big lots figure. backpack was a old black wheel from vintage droid factory, gun in holster- kenner vintage stormtrooper gun, arms and legs....wire twisties and plastic tubing from the 12" dewback packaging and feet were fingers from a spiderman bicycle cable lock, the spiderman hand kept falling off and they were useless and in the way anyway so i recycled the fingers. lastly added some sculpty here and there

(I know, he kinda looks like the one dude from Futurama, but I am ok w/that)
Dec 26, 2014
While we're doing Bounty Hunters, here's another one of my creations

Simo Mortem – Ubese Bounty Hunter
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One of Lucian Fett’s first acts of business after the founding of Panickorps was to rebuild the Bounty Hunter’s Guild, although he would make improvements to prevent the problems that plagued the Guild in the past. The newly reborn alliance would have structure and order never seen before amongst the usually chaotic groups of mercenaries. Lucian would bring a military style order and chain of command, and in order for that to happen he needed someone he could trust at the top of the pyramid.
Simo Mortem had long been Lucian’s right hand man. The Ubese had gained a reputation as one of the deadliest Jedi hunters in the galaxy. His abilities as a sniper were unmatched and he had perfected a means of crafting blaster bolts that were undetectable to the Force. Though most of his kinsman only held loyalty to each other, and of course the highest bidder, Simo had long ago had his life saved by Lucian Fett. He at once swore a life debt to rival even that of a Wookie. The two grew to be closer to brothers than merely allies. Simo Mortem would now become the commander of the new Guild, and bring forth a new threat that the Rebellion and their Jedi had never before seen.

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Recipe: Head- Clone Wars Clone Trooper
Helmet - SOTE Leia in Boushh Disguise
Torso, upper arms & legs, feet, and backpack - Legacy Galactic Marine
Lower arms and legs and small blasters - Legacy Scout Trooper
Cape - POTF2 Boba Fett
Tusken Cycler rifle - custom made


Jan 9, 2015
Sergeant Dogface
He often receives duties from imperial officers that demands espionage on rebel bases, as a very good pilot he sometimes fights alongside star destroyers in his K-9000 and he always, always completes his tasks without letting unsatisfied his clients.


Jan 9, 2015
Sergeant Dogface

HEAD- Random dog toy
ARMS, LEGS, TORSO- SW Legacy Collection: Kal Fas
HANDS- Narnia: Tyrus
BOOTS- Random True Heroes Police Man
Blaster- GI Joe Rise of Cobra: Baroness


Jan 7, 2013
West Des Moines, IA
Krall Hasken- Krall Hasken was once Major Krall Hasken. Major Hasken commanded Nightmare Wing, a wing of TIE fighters stationed aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer Overlord. During a skirmish with Rebels, Major Hasken was shot down over an uninhabited moon. He managed to land his fighter but was severely injured in the process. By the time rescue arrived his left arm was too damaged to save. He received a replacement limb but knew his time in the cockpit was over. He didn't want a desk job so he went a different route. He decided to become a Bounty Hunter for the Empire. He now tracks down Rebel agents.

Krall is made from a repainted Winter Soldier.


Jul 30, 2010
Wow what awesome entries, I've been gone for way to long but I'm back now with a new custom!
Stratavarious Kane- Bounty hunter for hire

Dec 26, 2014
Kaynus Fett – Bounty Hunter
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Kaynus Fett was the younger brother of Lucian Fett. Like his older brother, Kaynus was Force sensitive and highly attuned to the Dark Side of the Force. After killing a Jedi to collect the bounty on him, Kaynus used the Jedi’s lightsaber to remove his head to turn in for the bounty. The weapon felt instantly like an extension of him, and he sought out to learn as much as he could about lightsaber combat.
After Lucian was introduced to the power of the Sith Holocron by General Romulous Panick, he helped Kaynus unlock the secrets of his own power. As his power was unleashed, Kaynus became even more blood thirsty than ever before. He began studying the Jar'Kai lightsaber fighting style under Ker Kratesis, and became equally adept at her style of “hyper-violence”. Soon Kaynus became one of the worst nightmares the Rebellion and the Jedi had ever known.

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Head – POTF2 Boba Fett (Cut, Dremelled, spiked Mohawk added)
Torso, upper legs - ROTS Blue Senate Guard (Senate Security)
Upper arms – random fodder
Lower arms, hands, & feet – ROTS Super Articulated Clone Trooper
Lower legs – Galactic Marine ROTS 30th Anniversary
Weapons and lightsaber – random fodder
Aug 2, 2006
Some great entries so far. I've managed to complete a couple of my own this month...

First up is Tyvon Freet. She's a Zeltron bounty hunter who uses all of her skills to be one of the most fierce hunters in the core. Rumor is that she had a facial wound and was left scarred as she had no access to bacta at the time of the injury. Since physical beauty is such an important part of Zeltron culture, she stays masked at all times. Recipe is: Head - GI Joe Retaliation cyber ninja head on an IAmElemental body with vest and belt from an Acid Rain World figure.

Next up, a somewhat ineffective bounty hunting duo from the outer rim. They call themselves the Disintegrators, but their lack of a big score leaves them an unpopular choice unless you are low on credits...

Aug 27, 2014
Arc Trooper Echo Post-Citadel- my inspiration for this was that Dave Filoni said that they were gonna have Echo survive if the show was still going. After the explosion that nearly took his life while trying to rescue Master Piell from the Citadel, the prison went into chaos. Once Osi Sobeck was killed by Ahsoka the battle droids lost direction and were soon overpowered by a flood of escaping prisoners. One of the prisoners found Echo nearly dead, and escaped with him. He was given prosthetic legs and a metallic face where he received 3rd degree bearns. While recovering, he got word that his closest friend Fives died, he decided not to return to the Republic and became a bounty hunter.

This is also the first time I mixed and matched limbs.
Head- Echo from Defend Kamino
goggles- sandstorm Lando
Body-Darth Malgus
Legs- IG88 VOTC
Left Hand- Jabbas droid from 2013 BAD
Axe- Shirtless Savage
Chest Armor- Nom Anor TVC
Blaster Rifle- Mawhonic
Thanks for looking!
FYI- I tried to give him a Terminator look with clay :D
Dec 26, 2014
One last bounty hunter post... a group shot of the Panickorps: AWDG Bounty Hunter's Guild with the three figures I posted above.