after a bit of hiatis, i started to pick up where i left off w/ clone wars themed. So I thought about how I was going to tackle this guy and one day a couple weks ago, while cleaning out my "craft" room, i came accross some totally random parts - not just from figures but "junk" that when i tossed them in a pile on my desk, i saw an image of how to tackle creating this bounty hunter from Clone Wars. After a week or so of adding little by little and lttle paint daily, I finally finished...(drum roll)......
Derrown the Parwan Bounty Hunter
head, duel bandoleer strap, shouder gun, assult gun in hand, and torso were from some random dollar store/big lots figure. backpack was a old black wheel from vintage droid factory, gun in holster- kenner vintage stormtrooper gun, arms and legs....wire twisties and plastic tubing from the 12" dewback packaging and feet were fingers from a spiderman bicycle cable lock, the spiderman hand kept falling off and they were useless and in the way anyway so i recycled the fingers. lastly added some sculpty here and there
(I know, he kinda looks like the one dude from Futurama, but I am ok w/that)