johnmorog":bgnpbowy said:It is designed after the species of aliens who created itdarthvlad":bgnpbowy said:Great work on PZ. I thought it was a unique design when I first saw TFA and I'm curious as to why she's built the way she is... probably the model type would be the obvious guess, but the reasons why they elongated the neck. And why we've never seen other PZs about. Anyway, I like your update on PZ.![]()
darthvlad":2j2f5tc0 said:Great work on PZ. I thought it was a unique design when I first saw TFA and I'm curious as to why she's built the way she is... probably the model type would be the obvious guess, but the reasons why they elongated the neck. And why we've never seen other PZs about. Anyway, I like your update on PZ.
ImperialOfficer":3eei6ec4 said:DC-5PR "Decomposer" Droid
These droids roam junkyards, dismantling things with their industrial strength lasers. Recently they have begun to pop up in various criminal syndicates as both pit fighters and battle droids.
I-am-Boba-Fett":1oqm2bp6 said:Here's a custom Star Wars SUPER ARTICULATED 8D8 DROID figure.
darthvlad":1j9i88ny said:IMG_0819.JPGIMG_0818.JPG
LL-3PO aka Two-El
LL-3PO supervised an automated workforce of nerfherders on Alderaan who was a victim of prank and the ill-fortune of his owner. The history is such: Two-El’s owner, a Republic-credit pinching farmer named Sydé Choa, was cranky and growled at the local teenagers to “stay off his farm!” Tired of his relentless antagonizing, a few of the teenagers snuck onto the farm while Two-El was powered down for the evening and removed the unsuspecting protocol droids right arm. Infuriated by his discovery, Sydé went to the local parts market in the city to find Two-El a new arm. After spending most of the day going from vendor to vendor without finding the right match to Two-El’s arm, Sydé was ready to give up hope until he found the arm at the next vendor’s place. Ecstatic to find a matching arm, the farmer immediately bought it and returned to the farm to replace the protocol droid’s missing arm. Upon reactivation, Sydé realized to his horror that in his excitement at finding the right pattern at the vendor’s he had bought the a left-side arm. Due to his tight budget, the farmer was unable to rectify the mistake and Two-El with two left arms, which drew heckles from passing teenagers on their way to school. LL-3PO was embarrassed by his situation and often hid his arm from view.
my kind of scum":1r3sz077 said:Oh yeah, I forgot the parts lists. The head of CT is from a War of Order figure (they have them at and I am not sure where the head of Commo came from. It has been in my fodder box for awhile. The side of the head said "Max" Everything other than the heads are build a droid parts.
huttman":kwq9hh7u said:What a great color for a droid and I love the arm story. I had a similar situation with a princess Leia arm, but Tunghori sent me a proper one quick! I can't help but wonder, did inspiration for LL come from this pic? Or is the LL and blue color a throwback to some classic Lego space?
sam1":p6dmd2m9 said:my kind of scum":p6dmd2m9 said:Oh yeah, I forgot the parts lists. The head of CT is from a War of Order figure (they have them at and I am not sure where the head of Commo came from. It has been in my fodder box for awhile. The side of the head said "Max" Everything other than the heads are build a droid parts.
Great droids, but where did you get that awesome industrial background? Is that custom?
Love this!!!sam1":3i92hl0l said:Poor Biggs. He spent most of his credits so that in a couple of weeks, he could jump ship when his Imperial frigate reaches a core system and join the Rebellion with his friends.
He spent all evening haggling with a Jawa for a stove top droid, but in the end, he didn't have enough to buy it.
my kind of scum":3047co4o said:It's called the Ubiquitous diorama system. They carry it on as well - it's expensive but worth it in my opinion. The lighting options are really cool.
Thanks. For Kel I used Folk Art Gunmetal Gray. It's part of their Metallic line of paints. As for the backstories, most are inspired by adventures played (or ran) in the Star Wars RPG. The backstory on OZ-3PO was exactly how the adventure went. Our mission group was to find an Imperial supply shuttle that had crashed on a nameless moon. We were to download the ships navigational computer and salvage whatever equipment we could.darthvlad":2e42ec2j said:And in looking for a post here, I realized I didn't even see most of page 3!
darthapathy, love XA-22 and TA-001. And Kel is a nice repaint. Which color did you use for the assassin droid? Love the backstories for all of your submissions.