Sorry for the delay guys - life has been busy. But here is the roundup! There were some truly outstanding customs made for this one again... thank you everyone who contributed!
And the random winners are...
1 - darth sidious
2 - Rookie One
3 - jaghearse
The following 3.75" loose figures are the prizes...
darth sidious, you should post in this thread which figure you want first. Then
Rookie One, you post in this thread which figure you want. The remaining figure goes to
NOTE - Please send a PM to me with your shipping details. I will be shipping your prizes sometime in the next 30 or so days. Anyone who does not select their prize within 30 days has their turn skipped!
Thanks everyone for such an exciting customizing challenge, and the next Yakfinities is already underway! The theme is "DESERT DWELLERS" and the details can be found