Created an account just so I could reply to this contest! I'm a fan of Yakface's updates, always excited to see them on my Instagram.
This project started back in late December. I really enjoyed Chapter 6 of The Mandalorian, since it felt like a heist movie or a Dungeons and Dragons game with a bunch of random characters having to band together for a mission. Among those was the super-logical droid Q9-0 who had a great design that seemed to homage 4Lom and the Death Star Droid.
Since Hasbro isn't majorly likely to do this side small character from one episode, I decided to make one myself using my new 3D printer and as practice in 3d modeling something complex from scratch.
Then about a month in, I found others were hoping for a similar figure, seeking a kit to make their own. So I tweaked my personal project to be able to be mass produced; I've made molds of each part to cast in resin. So if you're interested in that, please head over to my site or DM me on Instagram, I don't want to make this a salesy post.
This is mostly based on screen captures from the show, the Funko Pop, and my own imagination for the missing bits. I've tried my best to make it in scale with other Black Series figures, and to work with C3PO's parts. I'm well aware the actual Zero only barely uses C3PO's arms, but since he only shows his legs in one quick shot, I figured this would work for now. I may do an upgrade in the future, but this allows me to not have to basically model a whole figure.