Calvono Resistance Underground When the Empire nationalized the SoroSuub Corporation on Sullust, many Sullustans were unhappy about. The same was true for SoroSuub offices and subsidiaries across the galaxy. One such subsidiary was Vonn-Ruun Industries on the Sullustan colony world of Calvono. Outraged by the atrocities and actions of the Empire, the Calvono Resistance Underground was formed by the former senator of Calvono, Vala Vonn and other like minded individuals. Currently, the level of resistance consists of subtle sabotage and harassment of Imperial forces
L-R; Kelo Torr, Alvo Ruun, Vala Vonn, CZ-99, Dr. Volo Vonn, PPE-3PO, Jollo Jepp, R2-K0, and Devo Drun
L-R; Kelo Torr, Alvo Ruun, Vala Vonn, CZ-99, Dr. Volo Vonn, PPE-3PO, Jollo Jepp, R2-K0, and Devo Drun