Great new entries as we come to a close.
I-Am-Boba-Fett - its great to "see you" again

I've got a few for tonight (and maybe one more later if I can finish it up):
Lady Shadowmark (with Baash):
Temris Eldraban: known to most simply as Lady Shadowmark, and to her closest companions, Tema, a significant dealer in the Coruscant underworld. She supplies goods and services of all kinds - but especially information - and stays above most of the small time gang politics. Few would dare to cross her as she protects her independence and neutrality fiercely. Rarely does she need to defend herself as she has allies like the bounty hunter known as Baash (more on him later) that usually function as guards, but she is proficient in several hand-to-hand combat systems and is a crack-shot with the hold-out blaster she carries as well.
Leyalla Ilrangeru:
Leyalla is a Mirialan pilot who works primarily for Lady Shadowmark. She flies both legitimate cargo and clients and not so legitimate (some might call her a part-time smuggler). She also transports Lady Shadowmark's agents when necessary.
Euleria Raun:
Euleria is an Echani. The Echani have a culture that is built around combat, so they are highly trained warriors specializing in melee weapons. Euleria left Eshan to find a way to use her skills to make a living, eventually making her way to Coruscant where she connected with Lady Shadowmark and is now a trusted member of her team (and she gets to use her combat skills regularly!):
When Lady Shadowmark needs discrete, precise surgical work she sends Euleria, but sometimes the mission profile calls for more force than finesse. This is what Skardossk lives for. He never fails to make a statement, whether is it to intimidate or eliminate. Rumors abound regarding the cybernetic implants in Skardossk’s head. Some think it is the result of years of gladiatorial combat, some say its from a hand-to-hand encounter with the great Wookiee chieftain Tarfful. One popular tale has Skardossk saving Lady Shadowmark’s life when she turned down an “offer” from the shadowy head of the Crimson Dawn, but everyone’s favorite is that he survived a run-in with Darth Vader. He likes to keep it that way, knowing that it adds to his reputation.
Raam and Baash:
Raam and Baash – (characters from the LEGO Freemaker Adventures). Most often seen publicly working as bounty hunters for Garballa the Hutt, they often seem quite inept and easily distracted. They are under contract to Lady Shadowmark, who “releases” them to Garballa at Jabba’s request (its his way of sabotaging Garballa’s attempts to become independent). In a yet another layer of deception, Raam and Baash are actually cousins Samsir and Mekmil Taruun, intelligence operatives for the Rebel Alliance. The cousins suspect that Lady Shadowmark knows, but are playing a “don’t ask, don’t tell” game.
Nar Bevan?:
The senator appointed to represent Riflor loyalists when Silvu Donte tried to secede from the Republic. He ran afoul of the newly formed Empire, however, as an outspoken advocate of representation. His life was saved through the intervention of Lady Shadowmark and a distraction caused by his friend the Advozse Jedi Knight, Salu Nurn who lost his life battling the Inquistor and troops sent to “detain” Nar. Or did Salu and Nar change places, banking on the inability of many humans to notice the difference between Advozsec so that Salu could escape because Nar was fighting a terminal disease that no doctor in the Republic could find a treatment for? Now uses his insight and diplomatic skill as Lady Shadowmark’s Majordomo.
Tog Horog:
Much has been made of the near extinction of the Dashade species and there is an aura of mystery around them. Capitalizing on this mystique and their natural ability to dissipate heat so as to be very difficult to detect with scanners, they are in high demand as assassins. Tog’s presence in Lady Shadowmark’s council chambers tends to keep her visitors in line.
I did an image with "normal hands" and one with clawed hands as the reference material for Dashade is a bit inconsistent. Some descriptions and depictions have them with human hands or large three-fingered clawed hands and make them a large species, but the first Dashade ever was in the Holiday Special and was human sized with two large clawed hands - so that's kind of were I went with him.
Group shot (with a few extras)