Yak's Top Ten 2024: The Black Series: Expanded Universe


Staff member
Nov 13, 2017
What are your 10 most wanted figures you'd like to see in The Black Series from Expanded Universe?

Pick up to 10 figures you’d like to see done in 6” scale.
If submissions have more than ten entries, only the first ten will be considered!
Only one vote per character.
Only characters from the above sources will be considered.
Feel free to add descriptions to any of your choices, such as pack-ins.
Characters not from source materials will not be considered.
A tie-breaker for the final position(s) will be determined by an online randomizer!

Most importantly, have fun!
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Oct 17, 2019
Well, here goes nothing. I grew up in the OT days, but somehow missed out on all the EU content. So here’s my list (in no particular order) of Expanded Universe characters I’d like to see in TBS form. Most are from recent Star Wars novels, etc.

1. Darth Plagueis
2. Darth Bane
3. Mister Bones
4. Jaster Mereel
5. Abeloth
6. Rae Sloane
7. Gallius Rax
8. Thane Kyrell
9. Ciena Ree
10. Captain Pellaeon


Mar 8, 2024
1. Darth Bane
2. Darth Plagueis
3. Darth Sion
4. Darth Zannah
5. Kyle Katarn
6. Carnor Jax
7. Old Republic Commando
8. Shae Vizla
9. Lumiya
10. Darth Tennebrous
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Darth Doyle

Aug 16, 2024
1. Darth Plagueis
2. Darth Talon
3. Darth Andeddu
4. Mon Calamari Dancer ( ROTS)
5. 21-B Medical Droid (TESB)
6. Midwife Droid (ROTS)
7. FX-7 Darth Vader Medical Droid (ROTS)
8. Taun We & Lama Su..2 pk AOTC)
9. Concept General Grievous (Ralph McQuiirre)
10. Legacy K'Kruhk


Mar 8, 2024
1. Darth Plagueis
2. Darth Talon
3. Darth Andeddu
4. Mon Calamari Dancer ( ROTS)
5. 21-B Medical Droid (TESB)
6. Midwife Droid (ROTS)
7. FX-7 Darth Vader Medical Droid (ROTS)
8. Taun We & Lama Su..2 pk AOTC)
9. Concept General Grievous (Ralph McQuiirre)
10. Legacy K'Kruhk
psssst.. Expanded Universe, not movies...
Jan 5, 2024
This was tough! Lots of great Expanded Universe characters and costumes out there. With Prince Xizor on the horizon I am hopeful we will get more Shadows of the Empire characters... but in the meantime here is my list:
  1. Luke in Imperial Guard Disguise (SOTE)
  2. Darth Traya (Kreia's Sith look) KOTOR 2
  3. Darth Scion KOTOR 2
  4. Visas Marr KOTOR 2
  5. Handmaiden KOTOR 2
  6. Mandalore KOTOR 2
  7. HK-47 KOTOR
  8. Mission Vao KOTOR
  9. Sith Trooper KOTOR
  10. Kenix Kil (Bounty Hunter alias and outfit for Kir Kanos in Crimson Empire)
Honorable mentions:
  1. Carnor Jax - Crimson Empire
  2. Jedi Master Atris KOTOR 2
  3. Mirith Sinn - Crimson Empire
  4. Talon Karrde - Thrawn Trilogy


Aug 28, 2018
1.Ralph McQuarrie Han Solo
2.Ralph McQuarrie Chewbacca
3.Ralph McQuarrie StarKiller
4.Ralph McQuarrie Darth Vader
5. Ralph McQuarrie Obi one.
6.Ralpg McQuarrie Snowtropper
7.Ralph McQuarrie Luke Skywalker
8.Ralph McQuarrie Stormtrooper
9.Ralph McQuarrie Rebel Trooper
10.Ralph McQuarrie Yoda.
Why hasn't Any of theses been done already?
Jan 5, 2024
1.Ralph McQuarrie Han Solo
2.Ralph McQuarrie Chewbacca
3.Ralph McQuarrie StarKiller
4.Ralph McQuarrie Darth Vader
5. Ralph McQuarrie Obi one.
6.Ralpg McQuarrie Snowtropper
7.Ralph McQuarrie Luke Skywalker
8.Ralph McQuarrie Stormtrooper
9.Ralph McQuarrie Rebel Trooper
10.Ralph McQuarrie Yoda.
Why hasn't Any of theses been done already?
I believe they did do a McQuarrie Obi Wan with Darth Vader two pack. But I like the idea of getting more!
Apr 26, 2024
Darth Krayt
Darth Talon
Quinlan Vos (Jedi outfit)
Cade Skywalker
Antares Draco (with multiple imperial knight male character heads to switch out)
Kyle Katarn
Corran Horn
Darth Wrylock
Jacen Solo (Darth Cadeus)
K'kruhk (Legacy Comics Jedi Grandmaster)
Apr 27, 2024
So I posted this in the comments section of the article, but I don't think anyone actually saw it. Posting it here to make sure it is seen, apologies for any confusion.


1. Darth Talon

2. Darth Tenebrous

3. Darth Bane

4. Jagged Fel

5. Mission Vao

6. An'ya Kuro

7. Exar Kun

8. Satele Shan

9. Eleena Daru

10. Darth Krayt


Staff member
Nov 13, 2017
1 Kyle Katarn
2 Darth Plagueis
2 K'Kruhk
4 Darth Talon
4 Dash Rendar
6 Darth Bane
6 Darth Caedus
6 Darth Krayt
6 Darth Sion
6 Darth Tenebrous

The Rest
6 Lumiya
12 ARC Trooper Alpha-17 (Dark Horse comics)
12 Durge (Clone Wars)
12 Exar Kun (Tales of the Jedi)
12 Jan Orrs
12 Jaster Merell
12 Mission Vao
12 Satele Shan
12 Shae Vizla
21 4-LOM (Spider body) (Bounty Hunter)
21 Abeloth
21 Am (Star Wars Visions)
21 Anakin Solo (New Jedi Order)
21 Antares Draco
21 An'ya Kuro
21 Azlyn Rae
21 Bria Tharen
21 Cade Skywalker
21 Carnor Jax
21 Caysin Bog
21 Cere Jenda (Jedi: Survivor)
21 Chewbacca (McQuarrie)
21 Ciena Ree
21 Cindel Towani
21 Corran Horn
21 Cradossk
21 Darth Andeddu
21 Darth Maleva
21 Darth Nihl
21 Darth Treya
21 Darth Vader (McQuarrie)
21 Darth Wrylock
21 Darth Zannah
21 Death Watch Mandalorian (Gold/green)(Jango Fett Open Seasons #1)
21 Desann
21 D'harhan
21 Eleena Daru
21 Endor Rebel Bespin Camo (Battlefront 2004)
21 Etain Tur-Mukan
21 Foul Moudama
21 Gaff
21 Gallius Rax
21 General Grievous (Concept)
21 Han Solo (McQuarrie)
21 Handmaiden (KOTOR2)
21 HK-47
21 Imperial Sentinel
21 Jace Malcom
21 Jacen Solo (New Jedi Order)
21 Jagged Fel
21 Jaina Solo (New Jedi Order)
21 Jerec (Dark Jedi)
21 Karre (Star Wars Visions)
21 Kay Vess (Outlaws)
21 Kenix Kil
21 Kez Iban
21 Kligson (Droid World)
21 Kreya
21 LE-B02D9 (Leebo)
21 Leia (Jedi Knight) (Infinites)
21 Lotran Bodyguard
21 Lowbacca (New Jedi Order)
21 Luke in Imperial Guard Disguise
21 Luke Skywalker (McQuarrie)
21 Manaroo
21 Mandalore (KOTOR2)
21 Mandalore (Tales of the Jedi)
21 Merrin (Jedi: Survivor)
21 Merrin (Jedi:Fallen Order)
21 Mister Bones
21 Ninth Sister (Jedi:Fallen Order)
21 Noa Briqualon
21 Nomi Sunrider (Tales of the Jedi)
21 Obi-Wan Kenobi (McQuarrie)
21 Old Republic Commando
21 Pellaeon (Captain)
21 Plo Koon (Jedi Power Battles)
21 Princess Kneesa
21 Quilan Vos (Jedi outfit)
21 Quilan Vos (Republic #77)
21 Qymaen Jai Sheelal
21 Rae Sloane
21 Rahm Kota
21 Rayvis
21 Rebel Trooper (McQuarrie)
21 Rorob Corobb
21 Saesee Tiin (2003 Hasbro Clone Wars outfit with broken horn)
21 Shaak Ti (Clone Wars)
21 Sidious (Sith Training)
21 Sith Trooper (KOTOR)
21 Snowtrooper (McQuarrie)
21 Starkiller (Force Unleashed 2)
21 StarKiller (McQuarrie)
21 Stormtrooper (McQuarrie)
21 Tallisibeth Endwandung-Esterhazy (Scout)
21 Tam Posla
21 Terak
21 Thane Kyrell
21 Ulic Qel-Droma (Tales of the Jedi)
21 Visas Marr
21 Vlix
21 Yoda (McQuarrie)
21 Ysanne Isard
21 Zuckuss (unmasked and disrobed) (Bounty Hunter)