Yak's Top Ten 2024: The Black Series: The Sequel Trilogy (The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and The Rise of Skywalker)


Staff member
Nov 13, 2017
What are your 10 most wanted figures you'd like to see in The Black Series from The Sequel Trilogy (The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and The Rise of Skywalker)?

Pick up to 10 figures you’d like to see done in 6” scale.
If submissions have more than ten entries, only the first ten will be considered!
Only one vote per character
Feel free to add descriptions to any of your choices, such as pack-ins.
Characters not from source materials will not be considered.
A tie-breaker for the final position(s) will be determined by an online randomizer!
Most importantly, have fun!
Jan 5, 2024
Not a super fan of the sequel trilogy... but could be some cool opportunities to get aliens and Resistance troop builders (which some could be stand ins for Rebel soldiers).

1) Sidon Ithano
2) Ochi of Bestoon
3) Bazine Netal
4) Paige Tico
5) Bala-tik
6) Canto Bight Security Guard
7) Caphex Resistance Infiltrator
8) Resistance Troopers with some face swapping
9) Resistance Figher Pilots
10) ...... not sure, I had to really think hard for this one!
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Nov 14, 2016
I would go with:

1. Crait Luke (TLJ)
2. Old Lando (ROS)
3. Jedi Island Luke (TLJ)
4. Force Spirit Luke (ROS)
5. Unkar Plutt (TFA)
6. Poe (ROS)
7. Finn (ROS)
8. Palpatine (ROS)
9. Training Flashback Luke (ROS)
10. Training Flashback Leia (ROS)
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May 31, 2024
  1. Ben Solo (redeemed, TROS)
  2. Leia (training flashback, TROS)
  3. Rey Skywalker (yellow saber, TROS)
  4. Supreme Leader Kylo Ren (TROS)
  5. Luke Skywalker (Force projection, TLJ)
  6. Tallie Lintra (TLJ)
  7. Palpatine (resurrected, TROS)
  8. Two pack of Finn with the Skywalker saber and TR-8R (TFA)
  9. Solo re-pack of Admiral Ackbar (TLJ)
  10. Boolio (TROS)
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Feb 11, 2024
  1. Leia (TLJ gray robes)
  2. Luke (TLJ hermit)
  3. Lando (TRoS)
  4. Rey (scavenger, complete retool)
  5. Poe (TRoS)
  6. Finn (TRoS)
  7. Resistance Trooper (Crait, swappable head)
  8. Palpatine (TRoS)
  9. Luke (Crait)
  10. Paige Tico
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May 18, 2020
1. Crait Luke (TLJ)
2. Old Lando (ROS)
3. Unkar Plutt (TFA)
4. Palpatine (ROS)
5. Grummgar I'd love the couch he & Bazine Netal sit on in Max's castle (TFA)
6. Poe (ROS)
7. Finn (ROS)
8. Snap Wexley
9. Admiral Ackbar
10.Bazine Netal (TFA)


Feb 18, 2020
01. Emperor Sheev Palpatine (Clone, Final Order or Rejuvenation on Exegol) (TROS)
02. Ap'Lek (Mandalorian Executioner Axe) (Knight of Ren) (First Order) (TROS)
03. Ben Solo (Battle in the Exegol Throne Room) (TROS)
04. Luke Skywalker (Crait Apparition, Defense or Projection) (TLJ)
05. Han Solo (Starkiller Base Gear or Outfit) (TFA)
06. Canto Bight Mounted Police Officer (Removable Goggles) (TLJ)
07. First Order Fleet Engineer or Gunner (Battle on Crait) (TLJ)
08. General Leia Organa (D’Qar Celebration’s Formal Dress or Gown) (TFA)
09. Captain Sidon Ithano (Crimson Corsair) (Maz Kanata’s Castle on Takodana) (TFA)
10. Tasu Leech (Leader of Kanjiklub Gang) (TFA)
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Oct 25, 2017
The Finalizer
1. General Armitage Hux (TROS) (injured version, with cane and swappable hand to hold it) (maybe as a special two-pack with Pryde?)
2. Allegiant General Pryde (TROS) (swappable hands capable of holding his swagger stick, plus trooper blaster)
3. Ben Solo (TROS)
4. Ap'lek (TROS)
5. Trudgen (TROS)
6. Ushar (TROS)
7. Kuruk (TROS)
8. Cardo (TROS)
9. Colonel Ansiv Garmuth (TLJ)
10. Captain Edrison Peavey (TLJ)

It's honestly a crime we never got a Ben Solo figure. How do you not make THE main guy? Also the KoR (there were prototypes made by SH Figuarts; I saw them and took pics at Tokyo Comic Con back in like, 2018, I think).
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Oct 25, 2017
The Finalizer
1. Crait Luke (TLJ)
2. Old Lando (ROS)
3. Unkar Plutt (TFA)
4. Palpatine (ROS)
5. Grummgar I'd love the couch he & Bazine Netal sit on in Max's castle (TFA)
6. Poe (ROS)
7. Finn (ROS)
8. Snap Wexley
9. Admiral Ackbar
10.Bazine Netal (TFA)

Ohhhhh, a deluxe set of Grummgar and Bazine on the couch is a fantastic idea!


Staff member
Nov 13, 2017
Top Ten!
1 Finn (The Rise of Skywalker)
2 Ben Solo (The Rise of Skywalker)
2 Lando Calrissian (The Rise of Skywalker)
2 Luke Skywalker (Crait) (The Last Jedi)
2 Palpatine (Sith Eternal) (The Rise of Skywalker)
6 Poe Dameron (The Rise of Skywalker)
7 Ap'lek
7 Ochi of Bestoon (The Rise of Skywalker)
9 Kuruk
9 Sovereign Protector (The Rise of Skywalker)

11 Leia Organa (Jedi Training) (The Rise of Skywalker)
11 Palpatine (The Rise of Skywalker)
11 Sidon Ithano (The Force Awakens)
11 Trudgen
11 Ushar
16 Bazine Netal (The Force Awakens)
16 Cardo
16 Lt. Kaydel Ko Connix (The Force Awakens)
16 Luke Skywalker (Jedi Training) (The Rise of Skywalker)
16 Nien Nunb (The Force Awakens)
16 Paige Tico (The Last Jedi)
22 Admiral Ackbar (The Last Jedi)
22 Boolio (The Rise of Skywalker)
22 Lor San Tekka (The Force Awakens)
22 Luke Skywalker (Ahch-To)
22 Palpatine (Zombie) (The Rise of Skywalker)
22 Resistance Trooper
22 Sith Eternal Fleet Officer (The Rise of Skywalker)
22 Snap Wexley (The Force Awakens)
22 Unkar Plutt (The Force Awakens)
31 Alazmec Colonist (The Rise of Skywalker)
31 Allegiant General Enric Pryde (The Rist of Skywalker)
31 Bala-Tik (The Force Awakens)
31 Canto Bight Mounted Security Guard (The Last Jedi)
31 Canto Bight Security Guard (The Last Jedi)
31 Caphex Resistance Infiltrator
31 Captain Edrison Peavey (The Last Jedi)
31 Colonel Ansiv Garmith (The Last Jedi)
31 First Order ARC Trooper
31 First Order AT-M6 Driver (The Last Jedi)
31 First Order Fleet Engineer (Crait) (The Last Jedi)
31 First Order Officer
31 First Order Tread Speeder Driver (The Rise of Skywalker)
31 General Armitage Hux (Injured) (The Rise of Skywalker)
31 General Leia Organa
31 General Leia Organa (D'Qar)
31 Grummgar (The Force Awakens)
31 Han Solo (Starkiller Base) (The Force Awakens)
31 Jess Pava (The Force Awakens)
31 Kylo Ren (Supreme Leader) (The Rise of Skywalker)
31 Kylo Ren (The Force Awakens)
31 Lanai Caretaker (Ahch-To) (The Last Jedi)
31 Leia Organa (Gray Robes) (The Last Jedi)
31 Luggabeast
31 Luke Skywalker (Hermit) (The Last Jedi)
31 Luke Skywalker (Jedi Master)
31 Luke Skywalker (Spirit) (The Rise of Skywalker)
31 Poe Dameron
31 Poe Dameron (Flight Suit) (The Last Jedi)
31 PZ-4C0 (The Force Awakens)
31 Resistance Fighter Pilots
31 Rey (The Force Awakens)
31 Rey Skywalker (The Rise of Skywalker)
31 Rose Tico (The Rise of Skywalker)
31 Rothgar Deng (The Rise of Skywalker)
31 Sarco Plank (The Force Awakens)
31 Sith Eternal Gunner (The Rise of Skywalker)
31 Tallie Lintra (The Last Jedi)
31 Tasu Leech (The Force Awakens)
31 Wedge Antilles (The Rise of Skywalker)


Oct 17, 2019
Oh Snap (Wexley)! I missed the Sequel Trilogy list. For what it’s worth, here is my Top Ten (in no particular order):

1. Bala-Tik (to go with those Guavian Enforcers)
2. Unkar Plutt
3. Finn (TROS)
4. Poe Dameron (TROS)
5. Lieutenant Connix
6. Ochii of Bestoon
7. Lor San Tekka
8. Darth Sidious (Sith Eternal)
9. Allegiant General Pryde
10. Boolio (with removable head)


Staff member
Nov 13, 2017
Oh Snap (Wexley)! I missed the Sequel Trilogy list. For what it’s worth, here is my Top Ten (in no particular order):

I added your picks in. It didn't change the Top Ten much (as in who's in it), just Palpatine got a boost to take sole possession of #2! and Poe jumped up a spot.

1 Finn (The Rise of Skywalker)
2 Palpatine (Sith Eternal) (The Rise of Skywalker)
3 Ben Solo (The Rise of Skywalker)
3 Lando Calrissian (The Rise of Skywalker)
3 Luke Skywalker (Crait) (The Last Jedi)
3 Poe Dameron (The Rise of Skywalker)
7 Ochi of Bestoon (The Rise of Skywalker)
7 Ap'lek
9 Kuruk
9 Sovereign Protector (The Rise of Skywalker)

The Rest
11 Leia Organa (Jedi Training) (The Rise of Skywalker)
11 Lt. Kaydel Ko Connix (The Force Awakens)
11 Palpatine (The Rise of Skywalker)
11 Sidon Ithano (The Force Awakens)
11 Trudgen
11 Ushar
17 Bazine Netal (The Force Awakens)
17 Boolio (The Rise of Skywalker)
17 Cardo
17 Lor San Tekka (The Force Awakens)
17 Luke Skywalker (Jedi Training) (The Rise of Skywalker)
17 Nien Nunb (The Force Awakens)
17 Paige Tico (The Last Jedi)
17 Unkar Plutt (The Force Awakens)
25 Admiral Ackbar (The Last Jedi)
25 Allegiant General Enric Pryde (The Rist of Skywalker)
25 Bala-Tik (The Force Awakens)
25 Luke Skywalker (Ahch-To)
25 Palpatine (Zombie) (The Rise of Skywalker)
25 Resistance Trooper
25 Sith Eternal Fleet Officer (The Rise of Skywalker)
25 Snap Wexley (The Force Awakens)
33 Alazmec Colonist (The Rise of Skywalker)
33 Canto Bight Mounted Security Guard (The Last Jedi)
33 Canto Bight Security Guard (The Last Jedi)
33 Caphex Resistance Infiltrator
33 Captain Edrison Peavey (The Last Jedi)
33 Colonel Ansiv Garmith (The Last Jedi)
33 First Order ARC Trooper
33 First Order AT-M6 Driver (The Last Jedi)
33 First Order Fleet Engineer (Crait) (The Last Jedi)
33 First Order Officer
33 First Order Tread Speeder Driver (The Rise of Skywalker)
33 General Armitage Hux (Injured) (The Rise of Skywalker)
33 General Leia Organa
33 General Leia Organa (D'Qar)
33 Grummgar (The Force Awakens)
33 Han Solo (Starkiller Base) (The Force Awakens)
33 Jess Pava (The Force Awakens)
33 Kylo Ren (Supreme Leader) (The Rise of Skywalker)
33 Kylo Ren (The Force Awakens)
33 Lanai Caretaker (Ahch-To) (The Last Jedi)
33 Leia Organa (Gray Robes) (The Last Jedi)
33 Luggabeast
33 Luke Skywalker (Hermit) (The Last Jedi)
33 Luke Skywalker (Jedi Master)
33 Luke Skywalker (Spirit) (The Rise of Skywalker)
33 Poe Dameron
33 Poe Dameron (Flight Suit) (The Last Jedi)
33 PZ-4C0 (The Force Awakens)
33 Resistance Fighter Pilots
33 Rey (The Force Awakens)
33 Rey Skywalker (The Rise of Skywalker)
33 Rose Tico (The Rise of Skywalker)
33 Rothgar Deng (The Rise of Skywalker)
33 Sarco Plank (The Force Awakens)
33 Sith Eternal Gunner (The Rise of Skywalker)
33 Tallie Lintra (The Last Jedi)
33 Tasu Leech (The Force Awakens)
33 Wedge Antilles (The Rise of Skywalker)
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