Yak's Top Ten 2024: The Vintage Collection: Playsets


Dec 20, 2024
1) Ewok Village (either modular or HUGE HasLab)
2) Dagobah / Yoda's Hut
3) Hoth Echo Base
4) Cloud City Hallways
5) Death Star Trash Compactor
6) Docking Bay 94
7) Streets of Nevarro
8) Chancellor Palpatine's Office (with mural)
9) Sarlaac Pit
10) ROTJ Rebel Briefing Room
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Oct 30, 2024
1) Lars’ homestead kitchen (w/ Aunt Beru) - SW
2) Luke’s garage at Lars’ homestead (w/ V-35 Speeder) - SW
3) Obi-Wan’s hut - SW
4) Death Star conference room wall (modular?), table & chairs (w/ Tagge, Moloch & Morodi) - SW
5) Death Star overbridge - SW
6) Death Star Hangar control room (w/ Pol Treidum) - SW
7) Death Star detention block control room (w/ Lt. Childsen) - SW
8) Death Star hallway (modular wall panels?) - SW
9) Yoda's hut - ESB / RotJ
10) Super Star Destroyer bridge - ESB


Nov 27, 2024
1. Death Star w/Imperial Dignitary Sim Aloo
2. Bespin Cloud City w/Removable limbs C-3PO
3. Hoth Rebel Base w/Rebel Commander (mustache version)
4. Ewok Village w/Anakin Skywalker (ghost)
5. Dagobah Yoda’s Hut
6. Yavin Ceremony stage w/Han Solo Ceremony outfit
7. Home One Briefing w/General Madine
8. Jabba’s Dungeon w/EV-9D9
9. Rancor Pit w/Rancor Keeper Malakili
10. Star Destroyer Bridge (ESB) w/Death Squad Commander (gray outfit)
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Jan 29, 2008
I quickly scrolled to the bottom so as not to read anyone's posts yet. I didn't want anyone's good ideas influencing my choices :ROFLMAO:

My #1 choice is extremely biased, but I think it goes with their whole "Return to Tatooine" theme. Also, all of my choices are limited to the OT. I like the PT, but think the OT offers better choices for "playsets."

1. Mos Eisley Alley Way -- This would be similar, but bigger than the Streets of Mos Eisley playset. The pattern would follow more of the Alley Way set design with the alley that turns the corner to Docking Bay 94 with the Landspeeder Sales Lot across the way and the smaller alley where R2 & 3PO hide next to the Landspeeder lot. If you've ever seen blueprints for the movie set design, then you'll know what I mean. The set design was pretty clever as one modular set that looks like different locations, depending on the angle of filming. Include an exclusive Garindan figure or maybe a Sandtrooper (I'm thinking more for army building if you buy multiple sets instead of having multiple Garindans).

2. Death Star Playset -- I'm kind of torn on this one because I like the idea of modular playsets, but I'm not sure how a modular Death Star would work. I'm thinking something along the lines of a modular design that when put together, as the product suggest, it would resemble something along the lines of a 4" Kenner Micro Collection Death Star World playset. Key modular sections would include: Control Room (red computers), Detention Area, Detention Cell Hallway, Trash Compactor, Gantry (retractable) with Tractor Beam power box, and hallway with working blast door. Include some exclusive Imperial droid, Officer, or Death Star Trooper figure.

3. Echo Base Playset -- Kind of the same thing here as with the DS playset. I'm thinking of a modular design: Trench with cannon emplacements and a couple of turrets, shield generator, and an ion cannon Echo Base blast door facade with the back of the facade designed like part "ice" hangar and part command center with computers. If you had the space, you could even have part of the back of the facade resemble a medical area and include the old Bacta tank. Include an exclusive Hoth Rebel Officer (Major Bren Derlin?) figure.

4. Star Destroyer Executor -- of course the main modular pieces here would be the pieces needed to make a full bridge. It should also have modular pieces for the computer station, and then another modular section for Vader's meditation chamber with the circular pad and Emperor's hologram feature. Include exclusive Imperial Officer (black uniform).

5. Bespin (Cloud City) -- Again in the same vein as the Kenner Micro Collection, offer some modular playsets that could connect with the existing VC Carbon-Freezing Chamber where the platform has the wire cage over it. They could make a Control Room and Gantry that connect together for one side of a Freeze Chamber half, and a Bespin Hallway with a Dining Hall or Torture Chamber for the side of a Freeze Chamber half. Include exclusive Bespin Wing Guard figure.

6. Ewok Village -- I only place this after Bespin because Hasbro has already made a Freeze Chamber. With this modular design, I think an important aspect would be what to do with the lower section of the playset. So, you could have a modular design where the suggested layout is similar to how the vintage playset was, but with six (6) trees instead of three (3). It should be designed so that if you wanted to add more trees, you could. With the bottom of the playset, the "ground" level, it should have some Ewok booby traps like the rope or even a log for the speeder bikes to dodge/fly under. I would also suggest maybe a way to utilize the trees without having to build the village. That way customers could buy an extra modular section just for the trees and accessories. Include an exclusive (generic?) Ewok with various hoods (army building if buying multiple sets).

7. Emperor's Throne Room -- some may ask, why is this not a part of the Death Star Playset, well, that design would be more geared toward A New Hope, while this is ROTJ specific. I think the design of this playset would be a little trickier. It would probably work out best like the Carbon-Freezing Chamber where you have basically one diorama/playset that could be put together to make a bigger playset. The playset design would be 1/2 of the elevator shaft, with a gantry leading to the base of the stairs, then another section that includes the stairs and throne with the upper and lower computer consoles. They could also make this attach to the existing Death Star Playset. Include an exclusive Emperor's Dignitary (Sim Aloo?) figure.

8. Mon Cal Cruiser (Home One) -- This set could include modular pieces for the bridge (with Ackbar's swivel chair), the Briefing Room, and maybe some generic "Rebel Cruiser" rooms, heck you could even have a Medical Room and get a two-for-one deal with TESB and ROTJ. Include exclusive Mon Cal figure.

I'll have to add 9 & 10 later tonight.


Well, 11 days later to update 9 & 10 isn't too bad, I guess LOL!

Numbers 9 & 10 are very scene specific, and I am not sure how many pieces you would need for either playset. Also, I am sure that there are Prequel Trilogy locations more exciting than these, but since I am focusing on the OT ...

9. Dagobah - This set would need to include a movie-accurate Yoda's hut, some type of "Dark Side" tree cave, a miscellaneous training piece with trees and vines, and a bog piece where the plastic base on one side rounds off like it is the edge of the swampy bog where Luke sank his X-Wing. I could see multiple accessories with this set, cooking pot, generators, rocks, boxes, snakes, lizards, and a dragonsnake hump. The only issue here would be what figure to pack in with it. The no-brainer is Yoda with the blue backpack, but other choices could be Dagobah Luke, "Dark Side" Vader, or Dagobah R2.

10. Lars Homestead - This is very scene specific, but seeing as how Hasbro has released something similar, the idea is not impossible. The modular pieces for this would be, the domed hut entrance, the garage, and the courtyard with a kitchen-dining area. The problem, though, with this set is that the pieces wouldn't really go together since the courtyard and garage are lower levels from the domed hut entrance. I mean, technically, Hasbro could re-release the dome hut from the Disturbance at Lars Homestead playset, and then add walls and accessories to build the courtyard and garage. The accessories for this modular playset would include, moisture vaporators, power generators, lamps and other mechanical equipment, the oil bath in the garage, and other set pieces for the garage. I have actually seen some custom 3D print Lars Homestead modular playsets for sale online. So, this might be more in demand than what I think. For the exclusive action figure, I would suggest a new Treadmill droid with articulated arms and head.

Last edited:


Dec 20, 2024
Long time reader, first time poster here. Trying to keep it realistic as to what could be produced and sold as multiples.

1. Adelphi Base Lounge with Pilot
2. Scarif Bunker with Rebel Trooper
3. Bespin Hallway with Ugnaught
4. Supreme Chancelor Podium with Palpatine
5. Clone Forward Command Center with Clone Commander
6. Streets of Navarro with Cargo Sled and Droid
7. Mos Espa with Pyke Soldier
8. Theed with Battle Droid (Red Security)
9. Mustafar Bacta Chamber with Build-A-Vader and Dignitary
10. Imperial Base (Mandalore) Security Gates with Imperial Commando


Dec 21, 2024
1: wampa lair
2: rancor pit
3: sarlacc pit
4: obi wans meat packing plant
5: imperial walker interior
6: Vader's meditation room/ chamber
7: imperial shuttle interior
8: imperial/rebel airlock
9: wattos junk shop
10:sand people village

Lance Quazar

Aug 12, 2006
Planet Houston
1) - 10): Star Destroyer Bridge


Nov 24, 2024
1. Tie Fighter Hangar
2. Star Destroyer Bridge
3. Echo Base
4. Any Version of an Imperial Base/Facility
5. Geonosis Droid Factory
6. Pyloon's Saloon
7. Mandalorian Throne Room
8. Home One Briefing Room
9. Trade Federation/Separatist Luchrehulk Control Room and Hallway
10. Theed Palace
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Nov 30, 2024
Trying to keep these within reason/known price points.

1. Death Star (HasLab)
2. Hoth Command Center + Tauntaun Bay ($199 Pulse)
3. Bespin Hallway ($60)
4. Hoth Hallway ($60)
5. Modular Tatooine Hangar Bay - Slightly Curved Vertical Slice ($60)
6. Starport Borgo Stalls ($60)
7. Star Destroyer Bridge (Pulse/HasLab)
8. Home One Briefing Room ($199 Pulse)
9. Scarif Bunker ($60)
10. Theed Palace Hallway ($60)
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Mar 10, 2024
There are some great ideas on here I've never thought of, but I'm an Original Trilogy purist. So here it is, now that the Cantina is out:

1. Home One Briefing
2. Echo Base
3. Emperor's Death Star Arrival
4. Mos Eisley Docking Bay 94
5. Cloud City Landing Platform 327
6. Ewok Village
7. Yoda's Dagobah Hut
8. Kenobi's Tatooine Hut
9. Home One Hangar
10. Yavin Base inside the temple

extras never seen before: Jawa Market outside of Mos Eisley/Anchorhead/Mos Espa (Sandcrawler is needed first), any kind of hangar corner-piece or landing platform that can hold an X-Wing, Y-Wing, A-Wing or B-Wing


Mar 12, 2018
1. Jedi Council Chamber
2. Palpatine's Office
3. Echo Base
4. Yoda's Hut
5. Ben Kenobi's Hut
6. Death Star (Detention Area)
7. Death Star (Briefing Room)
8. Death Star II (Palpatine's Throne Room)
9. Death Star (Trash Compactor)
10. Cloud City (Dining room)
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Dec 17, 2019
  1. Clan Mudhorn Cabin
  2. Star Destroyer Command Bridge
  3. Obi-Wan Kenobi's House
  4. Grand Admiral Thrawn's Office
  5. Grand Salon [Sundari Throne Room]
  6. Coruscant Street
  7. Death Star / Imperial Detention Block
  8. Sith Throne [Exegol]
  9. Wayfar Sheriff's Office
  10. Jedi High Council Chamber


Feb 25, 2019
Arcana Temple Ambush
Maz Kanata's Castle
Escape from Starkiller Base
Showdown on Savareen/Dryden's quarters
Death Star 2 Ruins
Lomi Usqi Noodle Shop Showdown
Fortress Inquisitorius
Lothal Jedi Temple
Malachor Sith Temple
Citadel Tower Scarif

Bonus: Savi's Workshop


May 15, 2016
1. Death Star Detention Block Hallway w/Death Star Trooper
2. Star Destroyer Bridge w/Black Suit Imperial Officer
3. Jabba's Palace Alcoves w/Fozec
4. Jabba's Palace Bandstand w/OG Max Rebo 3-piece Band
5. DS2 Emperor's Throne Room w/Imperial Dignitary
6. Hoth Defense Turret and snow Trenches w/Hoth Rebel Soldier
7. Echo Base Hallway w/Rebel Technician
8. Ewok Treetop Village w/Princess Leia
9. Death Star Hallways w/DS Droid
10.Trash Compactor w/soft goods Leia


Nov 22, 2020
Boy. So many great ideas in this thread.
For me, it begins and ends with the Ewok Village. The Kenner one is my next major purchase, but I’d take a TVC upgrade. 😜 I’ll try to spitball 9 more…

  1. Ewok Village w/ soft goods Leia (ROTJ)
  2. Sarlacc Pit w/ Yotts Oren (ROTJ)
  3. Obi-wan Kenobi‘s hovel w/ Obi-wan (ANH)
  4. Narkina 5 workroom w/ Kino Loy (AND)
  5. Caretaker village w/ Fish Nun (TLJ)
  6. Lars homestead w/ Owen & Beru (OWK)
  7. Snoke’s throne room w/ Oculus Attendant (TLJ)
  8. Death Star 2 Ruins Throne Room w/ Evil Rey (TROS)
  9. Clan Mudhorn Cabin w/ Chillin’ Mando (MAND)
  10. Palpatine’s command centre w/ Flip n‘ Spin Chancellor Palpatine (ROTS)


Jan 29, 2008
Ok... so many different ways to approach this... since we've now seen Hasbro exploring big Haslab playsets... medium sets like the throne room, and smaller sets in the $50-$60 range. Such a wide variety. Jabba's palace could be a full set, or a specific room for example.

So, I am going to break my list into three tiers... Big, Medium, Small... for a total of 10 playsets. Each one would likely include some sort of pack in figure (or two).

Big = $500+
Medium = $250
Small = <$100

1 - Death Star - (big)
2 - Star Destroyer Bridge (big)
3 - Bespin Gantry (medium)
4 - Echo Base Control Center (medium)
5 - Imperial Turret (medium)
6 - Chancellor Palpatine's Office (medium)
7 - Jabba's Droid Dungeon (small)
8 - Yavin War Room (small)
9 - Coruscant Streets (small)
10 - Bespin Hallway (small)

Oh my goodness!! With my focus being on the OT, I cannot believe that I totally missed Jabba's Palace! Maybe I was thinking that there was already a Jabba's Palace playset. *** Quickly searches the internet *** Ok, so there are already two modular sets for a Jabba's Palace (Jabba's Palace w/ Carbonite Han and Boba Fett's Throne Room). Phew! I thought I was losing my mind :ROFLMAO:

Hasbro could re-release "Boba Fett's Throne" as Jabba's Palace by adding some connecting walls and a floor with the trap door and floor grates. They would also need a modular piece for the arched alcoves across from the dais area. I also like the idea of a (separate) modular droid dungeon area that could just attach to either side of another modular piece.

I also love the idea for an Imperial Turret. Make it where the top of the turret comes off to see the inside and set figures inside. Also have panels on the side of the tower that come off with a big room in each level of the tower.

Good stuff, Justin!

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Feb 18, 2020
01. Home One Rebel Commander Center & Mon Mothma (ROTJ)
02. Executor's Bridge Meeting & Admiral Kendal Ozzel (Executor Assault) (TESB)
03. Echo Base Rebel Command Center & Major Bren Derlin (Echo Base) (TESB)
04. Lars Homestead & Aunt Beru Lars (ANH)
05. Docking 94 Confrontation & Jabba the Hutt (ANH)
06. Mustafar & Anakin Skywalker (Final Duel) (ROTS)
07. Jedi Temple & Oppo Rancisis (Jedi Master) (AOTC)
08. Mos Espa Podrace Arena & Bib Fortuna (Boonta Eve Classic) (TPM)
09. Revolution on Rix Road & Imperial Riot Trooper (Ferrix) (ANDR)
10. Throne of the Sith & Emperor Sheev Palpatine (Final Order) (TROS)


Jan 8, 2025
1. Cloud City Smelter with Ughnaughts
2. Vandor Lodge with Therm Scissorpunch
3. The Box with Derrown
4. Kryat Dragon Defense with Tusken crossbowman
5. Jabba’s Dungeon with disintegrated droid
6. Jabba’s kitchen with COO Cook Droid and ratcatcher droid
7. Coruscant Market with Droogan and Jogan Fruit stand
8. Mon Cala assault with Riff Tamson
9. Executor Bridge with AV-2R7 supervisor droid
10. Wasskah hunt with Garnac